sleeping through the night

edited December 2011 in Babies
When did your lo start sleeping through the night? My son is 2 months and I want him to sleep through the night lol


  • Umm 6 months I believe.
  • 3 months, give or take a couple weeks. Although, it seems like the first night she slept for 7 hours straight was the evening for the 4th of July... So yeah, about 8 weeks old.
  • I believe till a certain age 6-7 hours is considered sleeping through the night. I remember hearing that somewhere dunno if its true or nor.
  • Did they still not sleep through the night with rice in their bottle?
  • My son is 10 weeks today and he has slept through the night for about two weeks now! I'm am so thankful! But every baby is different. My daughter is 3 1/2 and she us a horrible sleeper, always has been!
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  • My son is 3months & has been sleeping through the night since 2months. He sleeps from 11pm-8am
  • My baby is almost 3months & jus started sleepin 6hrs, that's all night to me! Versus waking up every 2hrs!
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  • The rice cereal thing is a myth. It doesn't make them sleep any longer.

    Pediatricians consider sleeping through the night to be 7 hours. My baby is 9 weeks and she's just started sleeping 7 hours in the last week. My older daughter woke up for a 3 am bottle until she was 8 months old. I have a cousin who didn't sleep through the night until he was 4!
  • Mine started sleeping 5 hours straight at 3 months and now he sleeps 8 hrs at 4 months. Nothing in his bottle but formula
  • @mom2ing it sounds like your little one is somewhat like mine she will be 3 weeks on monday and she sleeps really well all together she only wakes up once at night after about 5 hrs of sleep but as soon as we change and feed her she will go back to sleep I'm not sure how long for because I usually have to wake her up after 3 hrs to get her ready. Are u breastfeeding? Just curious bc it sounds like we are both pretty lucky with the sleeping babies :)
  • my son technically sleeps through the night bc as @navybabyonway said it's a certain amt of hours that's considered "through the night." He'll sleep from 8-3 or 4 then wake for 30-45 mins then sleeps til 730-8. He's done this for about a month now; he'll be 4 months on the 6th. I've gotten like 4 nights recently where he's slept from 930-730 straight through, but he's not done it the past 3 nights :-(
  • And he's both formula fed and bf. He gets bottle before bed and boobie during the day and for his nightttime wakeup.
  • I was just going to start a thread on this topic. Im so happy, my 6 week old just slept through the night for the first time last night. She went to sleep at 10:45 and its 6:35am now and she is still sleeping. My husband kept checking on her throughout the night. Im sure this is a fluke but that's the first time I didn't even get up to pump! Guess we were both exhausted.
  • My son started around 1 month. He usually goes to sleep around 8, wakes up at 3 to eat and get a clean diaper, then sleeps until 7.
  • My son will be 3wks tomorrow, and last night he ate at 10pm, went to bed shortly after and he didnt wake up until 730am! It actually scared me because I feel like that was way too long for him to not eat! But I didnt wake up either bc I didnt hear him. He doesnt usually sleep well at all.
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