dont judge....but are things going too fast? confused!

edited March 2011 in November 2011
I've only been with my babys daddy for 2 1/2 months. I'm now 4 weeks 3 days pregnant and he wants me to move in with him. I'm 18, he's 24. I don't think its too fast especially with how I feel, but other people are going to throw that out like crazy when we decide to tell people. I'm just confused :/


  • If the two of u are happy there is no harm in you living together, you just gotta make sure he knows ur gonna be super crazy with your hormones and you need him to be understanding. I would also have a back up plan just in case. Best wishes
  • I agree with coolbabybeans
  • I've already been staying with him and Im still paying rent at my house because the names on the lease, idk if I should talk to the landlord and see if I can break the lease given the reason or keep the house just in case but that means less money and wasting it on a house I don't stay at.
  • if its meant to be and you two want to be together go for it, i díd that even tho all my family was against it i was 17 and je was 23 we are still together after 8 years and dont regret it! good luck and follow your heart :)
  • I met my bf, 3 months in I got pregnant and moved in, 2 months later we got married, and few months after that we had our first son. It's A LOT of hard work and commitment. It's hard because the relationship is so new and when you add being with each other all the time with the hormones, it makes it really hard. But not impossible! My husband and I have now been married for 5 yrs with our 2nd on the way, but there were a lot of nights where I wanted to kill him in his sleep. Haha. You have to do what's best for you and your family, no matter what anyone thinks. Good luck.
  • My fiance and I have lived together since the very first day we started dating we started dating april 8th 2010 by april28th I was pregnant but rushed into emergency surgery for a ectopic pregnancy I was 2 weeks preg and it had already ruptured my tube and 2 months later I was preg again I am now 36weeks and 4 days preg my due date is march 28 and april 8th will be our 1 yr anniversary ........and on another note my mom met my step dad and a month later was married to him and they have now been married 19 yrs so no body can say it is to fast but u!
  • There's been nights like that already but we've both helped each other through it by giving each other space when we're mad.(: I think moving in might be best for all three of us, him, baby & I. & thanks.
  • I moved in wit my fiancee after a month. We have been together for a year now, nd I'm 6 months prego. I say if he acts right nd is happy that your prego go for it. Good luck nd congrats! =]
  • Honestly i think if u have to ask, u may be doubting it. If it feels rite u wouldnt have any questions u kno. Jus bcuz ur having a baby doesnt mean u have to live together, do it wen it feels totally rite.
  • I moved in with my ex and we lived happily for about a year, were together for just under two. A year into it he started drinking, and it ended with him emotionally abusing me, and starting to physically abuse me. In less than 4 years he turned a complete 180° from who he was, I never saw it coming. Just be careful is all I'm trying to say, I'm not judging because I did the same thing. Luckily for me I got out before he proposed or I got pregnant.

    I've been with my babys daddy for only 6 months. I don't have the money to move in with him or I would, and as far as I can see so far he's going to be a great dad, and will be a great future husband.
    My cousin met and started dating a lady and moved in with her in less than a year, they now have a child who is 5 and have a happy marriage that is very successful. I've also had a friend that got pregnant at 16 with a guy she had been with for only 2 or 3 months. They now have 3 kids and are about to buy a house...(6 years later.)
  • My bf propsed to me after being together 4 months. We set the date for Oct 8th and then found out I was pregnant. My due date according to my LMP is Oct 8th and according to the u/s my due date is Oct 7th. Needless to say, we will be getting married before the baby is born.
  • My and my bf ( now fiance ) moved in together after a year! I just couldn't be without him :p but if that's what makes you happy then do it! Who cares what people think! It will probably be a lot easier when the baby comes too!
  • my husband proposed 2 1/1 months into the relationship and we planned the wedding for a month later....we didn't get married then bc of his parents and mine, they said we were moving too fast but all waiting did was make things harder, we've been married almost a year and half now and the funny things is how we were when we first tired to get married and now is the exact same....if you feel you two are ready do it, everyone will have something to say but only you and your man have to live the decision....i wish you the best w/ this situation and your pregnancy
  • I moved in with my (then) fiance after knowing him for three month later we found out we were pregnant....we had a miscarriage but since have had a wonderful little boy and are pregnant again...three years later we are happier and love each other more than when we first moved in together.....unlike some couples I know that knew each other for a long time before moving in and getting married and haven't made it very long...time isn't always the best measure of whether a relationship will last....and trust me....i got PLENTY of the “crazy" luck!
  • @ussery92 I was in the same situation. I found out I was two months pregnant after only being with my Bf for a little over two months. He didn't technically live with me but stayed at my house often b4 we found out. Once we found out he got one of his friends to move into his old apt and I just bought a house that we r moving into on the frst. No one has mentioned anything about it being too soon everyone's really happy
  • MY husband and I met in july of 06, started dating august and got pregnant in september. I was 18 he 21. We got married in may of 07 and couldn't be happier. Now we are pregnant with number 3!
  • I was in love with my husband before we started dating. We lived together for two months before we got married. He proposed to me while walking me home from work (he was my manager). We tried to have a baby the first time we had sex (back when we were just dating) but weren't successful until we had been married two months. My family was shocked and angry especially cuz he's 20 years older than me. My two best friends told me we can't be friends anymore and to have a nice life when we got married. I am, so haha to them :)
  • I met my husband in may we moved in together in August. When you know! Its no ones place to judge!
  • My husband and i started dating in february and married in may. We have been married almost 3 years and now expecting my first. He has kids from previous marriage. But we have never been happier.
  • I met my hubby in mid-February & we moved 3 states away together on June 4th... my family was all gossip, but 7 years later (married almost 5) we're still going strong & expecting our 2nd child this summer. All I can say is that the only one who knows if its too fast or not is the two of YOU. Everyone else will always have their opinion, but if its meant to be, then its meant to be! Whenever any of our friends or family get married we always tell them this: "It never stops taking work. But it never stops being worth it!"
    Good luck, hon! :)
  • @vette_devil that made tear up a little. I love your quote.
  • My fiance an I moved in together within 2 months; engaged by 6 months an I was pregnant with in 8 months! You know when its right and no1 has the right to judge u! Enjoy it hun!
  • My now husband and I were going out for 3 months when we moved in and 6 months after we started going out we got married ... we r very happy together.we just had our one year on feb of when we started dating and we r now preggo I dnt regret n e thing! If u feel its right in ur heart go for it! :)
  • I would say its to fast but that's just me I've never been the kind to fall fast but again that's just me. I have how ever seen and known many couples to move "fast" and they're all still going strong my Mom and stepdad knew each other for 2 months and got married still happily married. So its all up to what's in ur heart and his. <3
  • I agree with coolbaby me and my wife didn't know eachother for that long and got married we knew thing weren't going to be easy at first and soon after found out she was pregnant which of course hasn't been easy with the hormones added but it doesn't change how much I love her in the. Least if anything makes meove her more knowing that she's strong enough to go through this. But def let him know its going to be crazy with the hormones and if he truly cares for you and wants you to move in he will understand. Good luck and congratz
  • My husband and I had only known eachother for 2 months when we got pregnant. At 3 months we were living with eachother and at 9 months had our son. 4 months after we had our son we got pregnant with our 2nd child and got married 3 months later. And here we are still happily married and getting ready to have our little boy in 6 weeks. So I think that if you guys love eachother move in together. Your gna have your ups and downs just like my husband and I do cause we are still learning a lot about eachother but with hard work you will do just fine. Good luck with everything.
  • @coolbabybeans - awww, thanks hon! :D
  • edited March 2011
    MY hubby and I met, bought a house a car got pregnant and married within one year.... We r to this day still married, more in love then ever. Will be our three year anniversary in march. Have two healthy boys now ages 2 1/2 and 1 and cutrently trying for #3. When u know u know!!!
  • @jcmommy you made me laugh out loud! I feel that way at times! My boyfriend and I have been together for 9 months and I am 3 months pregnant. We are about to be in some very close quarters as I am moving into his parents house until we find a house. It will be tough I'm thinking :/
  • My husband we been togethrr 4 monthes and tje fyrst day we met he asked me marry him je is awsome love him to death and a great daddy i live with him we split yhe bills
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