my 4 month old weighs less then when he was 2months old!!

edited December 2011 in Babies Health
So at my sons 2 month appointment he weighed 11pds 4 oz. He was in 50th percentile for height weight and head. Today at his 4 month appointment he weighed 10 pounds 8 ounces! They said he should gained between 30 and 60 ounces! An ounce a day. So how is it that he lost 4ounces shy of a pound? he barely made any change in length. So now he is 2nd percentile of weight and under 10th percentile or length. Idk why. He has not been sick at all. He eats constantly. I nursed exclusively until I went back t work when he was three months so now I nurse before he goes to bed and when he wakes up and then around lunch. All other times its formula. So they are having me write down the tmes he eats, I have to pump and bottle feed, and also record how many ounces. Then they are monitoring him Saturday and Tuesday t see if weight changes. If not they are going t do some testing. Has anyone have problems with their babies not gaining/losing.


  • edited December 2011
    My sil kid didnt gain much weight. they had her supplment some formula with her breast milk so idk what could be causing it with your child :/
  • Yep, my son basically hit 15 pounds at about 9 months and wouldn't gain weight despite everything we tried. She deemed him "failure to thrive". We tried puting him on pediasure since its higher in calories vs. Formula, we tried whole milk, adding butter, avacodo, cheese and sour cream to all his food, and nothing. After about 3 months of that, the doctor did a bunch of tests, mainly for malabsorption deficiencies and things like cystic fibrosis and celiac. After months of testing and ruling out everything one by one, his doctor said she thinks its because his father and I are very petite people (we are both under 5'4" and his dad is like 120 wet LOL) and he has a fast metabolism. He never looked sick or malnourished, so she wasn't concerned after that. He's almost 5 and a half and just hit 35 pounds! He's tall and lean as can be!

    Good luck, I hope he's just like my son - just lean, but healthy. :)
  • Aw little peanut! I was a small kid. I only weighed 17lbs when I was 1. My daughter weighs that now at 5 months lol!
  • Lol well my daughter at her 1 month weighed 3 ounces shy of birthweight and she always was 3% in weight. But she at least was growing and gaining. Shes four now and finally madeit to 7th percentile in weight lol and she's 75t percentile in height shest tall and then. We are hoping once we make formula is primary food he will gain... orat least not lose lol.
  • My son is 2 1/2 and hes barely 22 lbs. hes small but healthy.
  • My son lost weight between twelve and fifteen months. We did everything to get him to gain weight and went to have his weight checked twice a week, made no progress. We had to go for lots and lots of testing but everything came back normal. He is growing again now but he is very thin and tall, wears smaller clothes and just hit 30lbs and he is almost 3 and a half. He started really growing the past six months. The doctors just think he is built small, and he doesn't like to sit down and eat and he is very active.
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