first dr appts/symptoms junebug mamas?
Our first appt will be nov. 21 (9wks)'s our first pregnancy we've made past 6 wks. How about u guys? If it's your first... is daddy coming? Are u excited?
How's everyone feeling? What's your symptoms?
How's everyone feeling? What's your symptoms?
I feel fine... My symptoms are on and off I don't even know how too explain any! Lol
I've been kinda nauseas on & off but that's it besides cramps. Well... and being tired. Lol hoping it's ok that's it :-ss
@babyluv8 ahhh ur getting so far! Almost in the second tri! Yet!!! Ahhh so excited for u!
So anyone showing or feeling like they're starting too?
See my friend just heard the heartbeat at 8-9 wks & didn't have an u/s till her next appt... maybe it depends on the dr but if i could have either... just to know things look ok... I'd love to!
Except I'm annoyed bc I've been waiting for months for my work to figure out their damn insurance ...they're now adding maternity back after they took it away. So i have no insurance & now they're looking at one more quote... when they had just decided! So i have to wait longer and now wont have it for my appt
My cramps made me crazy but i know they're a good thing now. All of your symptoms are text book lady! Good job! Lol that's a healthy baby in there!! We're only a week off.... so excited that i have a cpl of ttc girls as belly buds
@dreamaria :-D yey!!! Haha it was oct 24 or something ...but i had to wait a wk to tell my hubby!! I did it in a fun way though
My friend went through the same thing with her pregnancy, at 11 wks. Scares the crap outta me!! Just trying not to over think it all & be positive.
@junemommak congrats!!! How many weeks were u when u found out??!??
My hubby (the father lol) will be there for sure... And my 2 stepdaughters if we can bc I think it would be really neat for them to be a part of! Since he has 2 girls & has always wanted a boy I am praying he gets his little man! But of course we'll be happy no matter what!
And his youngest is 6 & is not ready to give up her baby girl spot so she said it better be a boy! Oh geez! Lol
We just can't afford supporting more than 3 kids, and I'd it's a girl my hubby can't handle if he had 4 girls plus a wife & an ex! Lol really, I'd like 2 children so they can grow up together since the girls will be 7 @ a month from 9 & we don't have them all the time... I never wanted an only child... But money wise things just aren't good & he keeps saying he only wants one more try (this try) for a boy. It's not 100% but... Seems like that's the way it'll be.
He lost an amazing job he had gotten after 3 yrs if hard times, the week before thanksgiving & just finally got a new job ...but he's making less than me by a good amount now & we had nothing in savings! It's been super stressful & it adds to his stress bc he has me & our needs to take care of (although I'm the one providing more) as well has his 2 girls & the child support he pays their mom... So I understand his fear in having another as far as $ goes, but don't agree with the gender issue! Lol