My baby is outgrowing his baby carrier. In a month or so he won't be able to fit, his feet are already dangling. What is next? He can't sit yet with out a lot of support. I'm a ftm.
I know in WI they have to be in a rear facing one until they're two, I was at target the other day and they have the bug ones and they say there for 5-40lbs and they're rear facing maybe you could look at target or walmart?
I'm definetly going to have to go look. So when he outgrows his carrier we will have to put him in his stroller without anything? I'm sorry I'm totaly lost lol. I just feel like he is so small to ride around in his stroller without his carrier lol.
My daughter is 7.5 months and I just switched her to a rear facing convertible carseat. When she is able to face forward she will stay in the same seat. They are supposed to be able to be uses from like 5lb and up.
You don't need a carrier with your stoller, just lay the back flat. My baby has been using hers with no carrier since day 1, because it's the same stroller I used with my 5 yo and the seat is expired.
My daughter outgrew hers by 5 months and my son probably won't make it that long.
With my dd we got a convertable seat and faced it back until her legs were to long for that to be comfy, around one. My pedi said I should go by weight and height and not by the age.
My daughter outgrew hers by 5 months and my son probably won't make it that long.
With my dd we got a convertible seat and faced it back until her legs were too long for that to be comfy, around one. My pedi said I should go by weight and height and not by the age.
Its not about feet. Its about the head. Top of the head shouldnt be more than 1/2 inch above carseat. But, the safest is 20lbs AND 1 year. They actually recommend they stay rear facing until the age of two now. I agree with the convertible idea. Those carseats rock, I recommend the Nautilus. Has a nifty cup holder and can hold up to 100lbs! And @pipwoodmom, your pediatrician is nuts if you're talking about height and weight for front front facing, I'm sorry. It has a lot to do with development. A 20 lb 7 month old (just an example) does not have the same neck control as a 1yo of the same height and weight. Rear facing is safer because babies lack the proper neck muscles to hold steady in a head on or rollover collision.
I got the recaro convertible carseat. I paid 240 for it. It does rear and fwd facing it goes all the way to 70lbs. As soon as my lo can hold his head up with no problem I'm going to be using it. I'm tired of the carrying a carrier. My hubby is the one who wanted the recaro seat lol
@Fate my Dr was talking in regards to children over 1, sorry I didn't state that. My daughter has a very long midsection. And at 1 she was way too big to face backwards. She was squashed. She is almost 3 and is the height of most 5-6 year olds and has always been off the chart in height. Her head doesn't stick over the seats we use, which is a miracle.
@pipwoodmom Oh thank God. Lol. I only have one tall child, and back then, we were told we could turn her around at 1. So we did. My 6 months old's feet have to be crossed because they stick out but she likes it (plays with her toes and crosses them herself). If she were to stick them straight out, she'd be squished. She will stay rear facing until her second birthday. My second child, is a shorty. She's almost four and could probably still sit rear facing in a convertible carseat. Lol.
A convertable seat would be smart some states are trying to pass a law that you have to be in a booster seat until 9, i'll have to look it up, california is one trying
My son is 4 months next week , we just got a rear facing convertable one for Christmas n it works fine the problem I'm now having is going into stores with my son that can hold his head up fine but can't sit up alone yet so putting him in the cart just doesn't work... its very frustrating I'm kinda at a loss. @Noahsmommy
With my dd we got a convertable seat and faced it back until her legs were to long for that to be comfy, around one. My pedi said I should go by weight and height and not by the age.
With my dd we got a convertible seat and faced it back until her legs were too long for that to be comfy, around one. My pedi said I should go by weight and height and not by the age.
@Ariels1stbaby me too!