I hope I dont have to switch to formula :(

edited January 2012 in Breastfeeding
Ok so I have always had a hard time feeding my daughter on the left so I mostly do right side and pump left well slowley the left started producing less and less milk and today nothing has been able to come out at all. Well my right I can feed on and have to pump out bc there is so much milk that it's always hurting. I'm not sure whats going on and what I can do to fix this.


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  • @rileyandme I try to feed her from the left everyone first but she gets super frustrated like shes not getting anything or something. Ill, just keep doing it. It's weird though that side won't get big at all it's almost back to the way it was b4 I got pregnant.
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  • Maybe she has not wanted the left since day one but once she was latched on and gold position she would totally eat now days she will be nice and comfortable and had great latch and u can tell shes trying really hard and all the sudden she will get frustrated start crying I feel bad.
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  • Maybe the left has a stronger let down. Mine does and also produces less. I struggle too but like you start with that one then switch when she's super frustrated.
  • @ta2edblondie thats a good idea I will do that :)...
    @devinedesign yes I try and start with the bad side and after few tries and since she gets so frustrated I do usually switch.
  • Nurse on the left when ur lo is not crying hungry.hopefully it will build back.up
  • Have you tried holding her in different ways? I have to feed my little guy in the football hold on the right side.
  • @pipwoodmom yes did the different positions it's not how she likes it or anything that's the problem it's my left side thats lossing supply
  • I would definitely keep trying. There were a couple girls on here who ended up with very asymmetrical breasts that couldn't be fixed. My left produces half of what my right does so I try to start with that side first, or I will only feed from the right and next time only from the left.
  • @starrxoxo9 sounds like the same problem I have so all yesterday and today I've stated with the left and done the right a couple of times it's weird they both don't produce much for some reason and it really sucks bc shes been very hungry today so I don't think shes been able to get enough...
  • Let her use the left as a paci
  • @steph_dur_101611 its funny that u say thar bc I've been jockin with my bf that thats exactly how I feel on that side lol bc I switch her to that side and she just chills sometimes.. Its funny. But for some reason my supply all together today has been slowing down I can't figure it out.
  • Try fenugreek, it'll make your sweat smell like mapel syrup but so worth it, i produced more milk within 3 days
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