@bigbelly girl! you are too kind, although im kinda having second thoughts on being preggo. now that it maybe real im afraid of ya know...it hapening again
Holey shitters Amber!!! Lol I know u don't wanna get excited, but I am!!!! \:D/ test again but I'd go in for a blood test ASAP bc that's when I truly believed all was ok!!! (((big hugs))) >:D<
i am kinda happytoo i got scared and waited 3 hiurs and didnt drink so i could p again and it was negative idk if im doing something wrong i just cant believe it like poositive then 2 negatives grrrr i think someone is polaying a trick on me so tomorrow im test and if its neg or pos im going t call me doc for a blood test!! will update then in morning ladies
Take another tomorrow am. If you get another negative go to the docs. you definitely got a positive!!!! I had to open it and read it asa I saw you post I was like omg she hopefully got a positive!!!! And I saw your pic. I was so excited but then read your other posts and hot sad but still there is hope!!!! You got a positive and like homebirth advocate said it could be BC you tested so soon. really test tomorrow and call doc seriously!!!! Get blood done!!! I'm so happy for you but worried as well!!! Wishing you lots of positive tests to come!!!! Good luck. Keep us posted!!!