becoming celibate
I've decided to become celibate. I'm not sure I'm quite ready to be pregnant again. I'm scared ill loose another baby. and since we aren't willing to use any precautions I've decided this was the best route for myself until I am married. I'm happy with my desicion. (:
Thanks ladies(:
I'm not sure when or if we will be getting married. Lol I just don't want to get pregnant since he's not willing to use condoms. So celibacy is what I'm choosing for myself(:
@proudmomma @august22baby @babyluv8 @armahnismommy @sophiasmom11
@lilsugarsmomma I'm confused by your question? You mean not involved in any sexual activity until marriage?
1. Abstinence from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows.
2. The condition of being unmarried.
It can mean both.
And thank you everyone(:
@jodi102011 @armahnismommy