does this much seem normal?

Bleeding?! I'm 8 weeks pp, bled solidly for 6.3 weeks then none until yesterday so I got 11 days in between. I'm wondering if this is my period, but isn't it too soon? I'm so sick of wearing pads they're making me sore. And this blood started off brownyesterday but today were bacid to bright red. Any ideas?


  • I had same hun its bloody awful I stopped bleeding at4 weeks started again at nearly 6 weeks for 5 days then started at 8.5 weeks for nearly 2 weeks sometimes brown then bright red and now at 13 weeks spotting a bit x
  • WOW... sorry you're going through this. I myself haven't had a period at all and my baby is 6 months.

    Have you asked your doctor.
  • I had my first period pp at around 8 weeks. Im breastfeeding and on the mini pill. It was a much heavier period than what is normal for me.
  • Yes normal. It takes awhile for your body to get back on track. I bled for 4 weeks, then a week and a half around 7 weeks and then a week at 9 weeks. So annoying.
  • Mine was very messed up also, and I had a csection. I bled for maybe two weeks after, and then it stopped for about a month, and then when I got my period it lasted for two or three weeks, and it is usually only a couple days.
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