Breastfeeding Troubles. To continue or not to continue?

edited January 2012 in Breastfeeding
I breast fed exclusively for 1 1/2 months. My babies doctor was concerned because she hadn't gained any weight in a months period. I was very upset because I was feeding her every 1 1/2-2 hours. I was trying my best but I've been having many problems with inverted nipples! He asked me to start supplementing her, so I did. Ended up getting a Medela pump. I stopped breastfeeding and started exclusively pumping and giving her a bottle instead. My supply has gone up since I started pumping because my baby was deemed a ineffective breast feeder and it didn't help that I was forced to use shields. She hates shields. But even after it going up, I'm only producing 8-12oz on a good day 4-8 on a bad. I've been put on medication to try to help my production, supplements and vitamins. NOTHING is working! It's making me so depressed. My relationship with my fiancee has become tense and I'm spending so much time away from my baby because I have to pump. I've had lactation consultants come to my home to assist me with breastfeeding also. I've put much work into this and it seems that I am just one of those unlucky mothers that, no matter what they try, their production will always be low.

What should I do?


  • I really don't know what to tell you. But I do want to give you kudos on being such a great mother. You are so dedicated to giving your lo the best. Most women would have given up long before. Just continue to do what you think is best for baby. If it comes down to formula don't beat yourself up. Sometimes bf just doesn't work. But again kudos to you for being so dedicated, and being such a great mom.
  • same as above ^^ your a great mom who gave your baby a great start if you cant pump enough for that day then dont stress just give her what you can & know even that is better then nothing :)
  • You have to do whatever makes you more comforatable and happy. If BF is going to cause stress in your life and it is not working out for you, then switch to formula. Formula is still good for babies, otherwise it would not be made. You tried your best and did not give up on your little one, it just was not working out. As long as you tried your best that is what counts, as much as you want to see your baby happy, your baby wants you to be happy too.
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