october mommies



  • First I was told my due date was the 3rd of october then the 7th so Mayb il have it on my bday which is the 5th :)
  • My EDD Is October 20th &i Have No Morning Sickness But Im So Tired &My Boobs Are Getting Huge. Ahh This Is My First Baby &Im So Excited.
    i Feel Like Time Is Going So Slow, i Cant Wait To Get Past The Danger Zone Tho. Im Definitely Guna Keep Praying, i Really Want This <3
  • My EDD is October 23. This is my 2nd and 1st for my BF. We're both really excited but waiting to tell our families after our first appointment next Thursday. I can't wait for BF to hear the heartbeat. No sickness, just terrible back pain. Breasts are filling out and sore. Is anyone else feeling/looking like it's hard to keep the belly a secret? I'm feeling pretty fatty :-)
  • Im due october 4th , im really excited :">
  • My edd is oct 10th first us march 9th, so far I have every written symptom in the book...it sucks time is going by super slow I want to be farther along to beat the danger zone ahh so scared but praying all the time! :) i am very nervous and exited! :) good luck to u ladies its comforting to know were not alone:) xxxx!
  • I just found out im pregnant :) was very tiered and feeling sick, thought i was low in iron. Im healthy thank God. One problem though. Unplanned, my parents HATE my partner and im terrified, this is my first time...oh and im due oct 31st :)...advice on parental situation...
  • @presciousbabylove I'm due oct 20 as well!! Its also my first and I'm horribly sick! Congrats girl!
  • I am due Oct 17th this is my third I have a 5 year old son and I lost my other son 2 month ago at 22 weeks so really nervous x
  • When are you past the danger zone?
  • I am due Oct 21 with my first child. I am nasuea a lot only had morning sickness 3 times and nothing sounds good to eat. I will be 8 weeks next Friday and go for an ultrasound too
  • Im due oct 9...im sick every morning like clockwork but i have found ways to manage...i have a weapon for nausea...lemonhead and sour patch candies!! It really works! I keep some at work with the crackers and ginger ale...
  • I'm due Oct 1 and my little bean has been good to me. No morning sickness just nausea when were hungry. I've heard though for m/s jolly ranchers or blow pops help. Oh and freezy pops!
  • Due 14th with #2. Nausea worse this time. Ginger ale helping, as is tonic water.
  • Due the 3rd wit # 4. I am sick 24/7.
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