opinions please!

edited January 2012 in Pregnant
One of my friends might be pregnant (like 2weeks if that) and she asked me if she should drink this weekend not knowing if she is for sure pregnant or not...idk what to tell her. :/ I said probably not since she doesn't know for sure yet, but she said 'well what if I'm not though?'

So I'm asking you ladies..what do you think? Would you drink if it were a 50/50 chance?


  • What would YOU do? :D
  • Nope. There could be a baby in her. Drinking just because she's not 100% would be irresponsible on her part.
  • I wouldn't .
    But she doesn't seem to care...she's more worried about partying.
    I, too, would treat my body as if I were. She just turned 21 and wants to live it up -__-
    I understand though I was like that at 21, but I also wasn't possibly pregnant
  • That is just too bad. I got pregnant not too long after my 21st birthday (with my first born) and had no problems giving up the fun lifestyle. I pray to God she isn't pregnant...
  • So she wasn't trying?
  • "What if I'm not though?" Irresponsible. Guaranteed this isn't her first party anyways. What, is it more fun since it's legal now? Ok, go drink. And if her baby has issues (the first 10 weeks are the most vital), and her baby has an issue, she can only blame herself.
  • This is how I would tell my friend if I had a friend in her situation. That I would think that if your pregnant and you want to have this baby which us a gift and therefore you are ready to make your life about somebody else and no longer live for yourself "not saying that you are selfish at all" but children change your life forever. Then I would make that change right now and live for that baby right now which means the drinking can no longer happen. No question about it. That's all we can ever do is state our opinion to our friends its their choice what they do with it. I personally think you are a great friend for willing to tell her your opinion bc some people don't have friends who are open with them and are there for them like you. I hope this all has good outcome keep us updated on whats going on :)
  • I would just be like "You can't wait 3 weeks to test? Alcohol isn't going anywhere, promise!"
  • Very true. And no she wasn't trying.
  • Like other preglys said I wouldn't. I actually had a situation like that where I thought maybe I was and went to a Halloween party and didn't drink because I didn't want to hurt my unborn...its alcohol...it'll be there after she tests and find out she's not or in 10m after she has the baby.
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