My Lo started at about 5 weeks, would fall asleep about 8 wake up at 10 n then go back to sleep till 6am wake for a bottle then back to sleep till 10am.
By 6 weeks he was sleeping 5 or 6 hours stretches and then eating getting changed and back to sleep. He now sleeps 10 to 12 hours through the night and that started at about two months with both my kids.
My little man is 4 months old and he still wakes up about 2-3 times a night. He isnt hungry he just wakes up and needs me to help him get back to sleep.
A few nights ago, he just turned 3 months on the 30th he falls asleep around 7/730, eats at 10 then sleeps till about 6/630 eats and falls back asleep. I hope this continues!
Depends! My little man was, but now he's rolling a lot so if gets "stuck" he wakes up! There are so many things that can affect it, teething, new milestones such as sitting, standing, growth spurts, separation anxiety, and so on! So don't sweat it, do the best you can to help baby sleep through, but expect changes!
My son was about 2 months when he started sleeping through the night. He sleeps from 10pm-10am. He's 3 1/2 months & he's still on the same sleeping schedule
2 months old. just start them on a scedule. pick a time and always have a.routine when you put them to bed that way they know when its lights out. if theyre still crying or up rock them but dont turn on lights or get them riled up. it worked out perfect and even at 8 months she goes down at around 7:30 or 8 and sleeps through the night
What do you do when he gets up? Sometimes my baby wakes up and goes right back to sleep. But he has been sleeping through the night since like 2 months he sleeps from 10-8 r 10-9!
My son set his own bedtime schedule, I just followed his cues. He goes to sleep between 8-9 and will sleep til about 3-4 then he's out again til 7. That started around 2.5 months I believe. He's 4 months now and we've hit a rough patch. But, there is light at the end of the tunnel! This won't last forever :-)
I'm curious, are you breastfeeding? I am and my LO is almost 6 months and still demands boob a couple times throughout the night. She will wake long enough to get boob in mouth, but I still don't get solid sleep. I feel ya, sorry!
im one of the unlucky ones. my son had me trained. i was 17 working full time snd lie clock work at 1 and 5 hed want a bottle he didnt sleep threw the night till he was 14 months old!!!! man was i trained!
She is now 3 months old and sleeps from 10pm to 8am.
Omg I'm soooooooo jealous right now he never sleep that long he's five months I cent wait till he does I get so exhausted