I wish the father of my child would realize the truth

Everything sucks and I'm very miserable. I hate seeing people happy because I am just starting to not believe in happiness. Everything with my ex was amazing. I loved him so much. He is in the Navy and he is currently deployed. I went to see him in California before he deployed and that is when I got pregnant, this was back in Nov. I took the morning after pill when I got home and obviously they didn't work. We emailed each other numerous times a day and we were so happy that we were discussing getting engaged. When I found out I was pregnant its was the beginning of the end. He is very bi-polar about the situation... One day he is good and the next he doesn't want it... I have come to realize that his mother has a big influence on him. I obviously didn't realize how big of a momma's boy he is. She is ruining my life. She is making up lies, and she is twisting the truth. She clearly doesn't want him and I together. She has threatened me, tried to contact my mom, and she has been filling his head with nonsense. She is even trying to tell the state that I am manipulating them because I was dancing to try to save up. I'm miserable. I didn't ask for this but I'm going to love this child and obviously raise another one alone. I just wish him and I still talked and were still together. I don't remember ever feeling the love I have for him, for someone else. :(


  • Give him time still email him pictures of the ultrasounds .keep him posted. If he doesn't write to u back let it go. Sometimes guys r nervous n they can't handle the pressure good luck
  • No, I can't.... He knows when the next two appts are... I hope he will reach out to me. I'm done defending myself. His mother ruined this. She said I purposely got pregnant and only want his money. I love him. She will never accept anyone he dates because they will never be good enough for him. I hate all of this right now. When I go back to school and graduate with my associates in Crime Scene Investigation I hope she swallows her words. I will NEVER forgive her for ruining my life, her sons life, and this unborn babies life. I know that the reason he won't talk to me is because of all the lies she is filling his head with, and I loathe him right now but I can't be too angry, I mean thats his family... of course he will believe them.
  • one of my best friends went through the same thing, idk why some mothers are like that, she'll realize someday how wrong she is, hopefully that day is soon. I hope your ex realizes very soon that you are what's important not the lies he's being told. I wish you all the best, good luck
  • @CrumbledCookie thank you so much.. I hope he does too... I miss hime so much. He would still tell me he loves me, even though we were fighting really bad... and its becaues of her.. grr...
    ya, she has done too much damage for me to ever forgive her. :(
    I wish it wasn't that way.
  • I wouldn't expect you to forgive her, I wouldn't either....it him you'll have to forgive or let off the hook...i understand that it's his family but at some point in life everyone has to break away from their first family and make one of their own...it'll hit him and once it does, I don't think you'll be anything but happy....I wish you didn't have to stress about this, being pregnant is hard enough especially w/ a deployed partner...just give him time and ignore her as much as possible, if ya'll get back together remember she'll have to come to YOU to see her grandchild...she'll have have a huge slice a humble pie then lol
  • I know... She told me she was going to go for full custody of the child so he doesn't have to pay child support. I just can't believe that they all think I'm after his money. I never asked him for a penny while we were together. I'm very capable of getting things I need and want. Its going to be very hard for me to let her around this child. She will probably try to turn this child against me too. I'm really glad I have this site to let me vent... thank you for listening.
  • this site is a blessing....my friend told me about and i was hooked before i even came to the page....if she says she's going for full custody be careful around her, ppl who'll go to those lengths need to avoided at all cost, if she can get others to believe her lies all it would take is one tiny mistake to give her victory. idk why most ppl refuse to believe that other ppl can love someone for how they are and not for what they have...she must be lonely (even though its no excuse for what she's doing) I would think that a mother wouldn't be such a b!tch to another mother.
  • I have to put his name on the birth certificate to get help from the state, and she can not go for full custody so I'm not worried about that at all. Its just very stressful for me. WI favors mothers and I already have one son that will be 6. There is no way to prove I'm a bad mother. She is sick and twisted and I have enough proof of that. I just wish he would believe the things I have told him.
  • its hard for some children to see their parents as actually ppl and not mommy and daddy but he will eventually i just hope its not too late when he does...
  • I agree.... I hope its not as well. Its already too late for his mom. She is beyond psycho with the things she has done and threatened.
  • Am so sad that Ur goin thru so much BS. All I can say is be strong and she Dosent have a life and she's dreaming for tring to take Ur baby. I hope in the end everything turns out good with you
  • thank you so much @angie87
    Means a lot to have people who support me, even though we don't know eachother personally.
  • so true, it is too late for her
  • Im glad people who don't know me can believe me haha.. Now I just hope he has a light bulb sooner than later. He knows I have a doc appt the 10th of this month and find out the sex on the 31st of this month.... I will not contact him... if he contacts me, which I pray he does, then I will write back... Im sick of reaching out.
  • stick to your plan and do your best not to stress yourself out too much....i think its easy to find someone who understands on this site.....it seems everyone is either going through extra crap or has someone close who is
  • that is very true
  • Hope he come around for u to. How far along r u
  • I will be 16 weeks on monday
  • i'm 36 wks today
  • congrats to everyone :D
    I have a 5 yr old already. This child and my son now have the same due date.... kinda fate huh?
  • that is amazing....i'm just trying to get mine near our bdays.....this is my first and due the day b4 my husbands bday....i already told him i'm going to have one near march 1 next yr lol
  • hahaha!!! Well good luck to you on that journey!! I realize I can not have sex during the month or November :D
  • thank you lol same o you but i refuse to not have sex, i get bitchy which is interesting cause i never use to be so addicted
  • hahaha I did too.. Now i'm just disgusted... and its obv cuz of my situation.. haha..
    anything sexual said or done towards me I cringe!
  • i'm so sorry to hear that
  • I'm okay... its better this way! Then I can fully concentrate on my children and of course myself
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