whats everyones views on...

edited January 2012 in Pregnant
The whole 2012 world ending stuff??? Please no drama :-)

I believe that god has a plan for us all so im leaving it in his hands and enjoying my life an family :-)


  • I completely agree with you :)
  • I do not believe it. I used to, but after I watched a full documentary on it, it shattered my belief in it.
  • Nope I don't believe it but I like to live every day to the fullest
  • I find it interesting but as i said Gods the boss :-)
  • I don't believe in it bc its based of the maya calendar which has a beginning and an end well when that calendar supposedly started is all wrong according to our earths dating and history timeline therefore the maya calendar is wrong. And also God has his plan and it could b for the earth to end this year but we don't know since its His plan not ours. :)
  • @jules very informative :-)
  • I don't believe. Just like @fate said..I have watched enough documentaries that it has changed my opinion on religious views.
  • @lyndsay1983 thanks lol.. Lets just say in our house we watch and read a lot of stuff that has to do with science bc it always comes back just making our faith stronger since they find a way to prove themselves wrong lol...
  • My understanding is that it's just the Mayan calendar resetting like ours does every year, only theirs does every thousand years or whatever. They probably would've kept up on it if the Conquistadors didn't come in and start killing off the Mayans... So yeah, I'm not fretting. Remember what happened this last year, twice, when the preacher guy predicted the worlds end and it never happened? Yep, just gonna keep on keepin' on LOL
  • Well my Bible says that no one will know the day or the hour not even the angels in heaven ...only the father! Sooo I really don't entertain the thought but I have seen the documentary about the Mayans <):) <--- just like this Smiley lol

    Anyway we are not suppose to know we are suppose to be prepared. So you want catch me in the stores stocking up on food, water, and flashlights b/c the world ending.
  • @mom2ING and @hot2cold87 I agree and have the same view point as you ladies.
  • @LilSugarsMomma is right. The "Mayan calendar" is a bunch of calendars that reset the same way ours does every year (equivalent to January 1st-December31st and some odd hours long). They just have different cycles. The Mayan equivalent date of December 21st, 2012 marks the ending of the "Long Count" cycle. It will start over, just like their solar (365ish days) and Venus (260 or 584 days) calendars do.

    @jules The Mayans had their own religion, and believed in many Gods. I'm not sure if you believe in the bible or evolution, but the bible says the Earth is from 6,335 to 6,582 years old beginning between 4323 BCE and 4570 BCE. The Mayan calendar says creation began roughly on August 11, 3114 BCE. Not far off. Now, science says the earth is 4 billion years old. I think the bible and Mayans being off by each other only a thousand years or so is quite pliable as a guess that the calendar is pretty accurate! :)
  • Ugh. Why do I have to be such a nerd??!!
  • @fate your not a nerd your informative! That's why i raised the topic to see everyone else thoughts/beliefs :-)
  • edited January 2012
    @fate well I'm sorry I don't know all the details thats just what we saw on a show but its good to know the details too so thank you. But since I am a christian thats why I said in the end only God knows what will happen bc what ever His and only His plan will be.
  • @jules Sometimes I ramble on.. I really was just asking if you believed in God. :( My brain just doesn't stop sometimes. :( I'm sorry.

    @Lyndsay1983 I didn't even realize I wrote that much until I posted it. Annoying! I ramble more when I'm on this PC. :/
  • @fate lol no worries I didn't think anything bad of it I made my post to u then when I read it over I realized it sounded like I was upset or something and I'm not so I fixed it but u already read it lol.... Oh well, your fast though :)
  • @fate noooo not annoying at all :-) i love to read things i don't have alot of knowledge on. i only have an opinion on the 2012 thing so reading everything people have wrote is fun.
  • If you ask siri on the iphone 4s when the world will end, he says: "in 5 billion years" so thats my answer ;-)
  • Ok now im the nerd :-S
  • @Fate - I consider you a nerd, and I absolutely love you for it LOL! Just kiddin', you're just smart. Nothing wrong with that! :D
  • I believe in the zombie apocalypse! :D
  • @fate no don't worry I think this is why communicating through just written words can b so hard bc everyone gets missundetstood bc, we can't see watch others someone behind the words it just happened to me last week and someone didn't understand what I was saying and it wasn't even to them and it wasn't to anyone directly was just talking about myself and my family and someone took it wrong and made me feel like I was mean I was sitting here really sad ya know.. So I didn't over think what u were saying so please don't worry :)
  • @graciesmomma my step mom is obsessed! We got her a zombie survival guide book for her bday one yr and she constantly talks about what she would do in a situation.
  • Nope don't at all y am I gunna belive a prediction from a culture where they stabbed there own penis to bc enlightened
  • Yup that's prob what killed them off
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