
edited January 2012 in Pregnant
So I was checked again today because I was contracting. Well now im bleeding I had to change my panties it was so bad..amd.there was also alittle blood clot. What could this be?


  • How far along are you?
  • Maybe its just time? A lot of red blood can be labour especially if you have had cramps but i would get checked just in case. X
  • I feel like im about to start my period
  • That sounds like the beginning of labor. Your full term so try to relax and see if things pick up! I had my lo at 37+6 :)
  • Did they check to see if your dilated? Cuz it could be that too. I bled some after they checked me usually.
  • Yes they did.check me but ive never cramped like this or bleed this bad
  • It could be from being checked, your cervix is extra sensitive during pregnancy. When I had sex, sometimes I would bleed rather heavy, it always scared me. :/

    Or the blood could be the start of labor as mentioned above, the only way to know why you're bleeding is to get checked again.
  • it really does just sounds like the start of labor and from them checking you. I wouldn't worry about it too much but of u want u can call the dr but the clot could be part of your mucus but this is what happened to me like week before I had my daughter ..
  • It could be nothing (which i certainly hope it is) or it could be placental abruption. I would definitely get checked out. Better to be safe. Good luck Hun!
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