I started showing at 5 weeks (: .... When did all you other mommies start showing??..!!..??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I was already growing but didnt know I was pregnant... Then when I found out my tummy just gets bigger day by day.. How about yours?


  • I Started showing around then to. This is my third :)
  • Nope. Not showing yet. I can't wait to have a round belly.
  • ooh this is my first
  • This is my first too I cant wait to get bigger how is yall pregnancy going so far??
  • I could tell a lil pooch was there @ 6/7 weeks but to the ppl a wirk with it was more like 9 weeks. Im scared of how big im gonna get but ive def made peace with it, its just my baby gettin bigger :D
  • Everything is going great. Minor cramps and sore boobs off and on. No m/s yet!
  • i didn't start showing until i was around 20wks b4 that i was just getting smaller lol
  • I think ima be huge lol... I have started my morning sickness today for the first time I dont care for it or these sore boobs!! But I know something great is coming from it (:
  • Me too! I'm 9wks But I couldn't understand y I was gettin so darn big then I had my 1st us Wednesday n found out their were 2 n there. Lol
  • @marriedwith3 your having 2 omg how does it feel??
  • Two?! Thats my dream. You are so lucky! I cant wait to hear the heartbeat and have my first ultrasound to find out if its just one or more. Congratulations!!
  • I'm 31 wks and I barely shoe still
  • I'm 11 weeks and definately definately showing,its kinda all of a sudden though :) I love it, its cute
  • Thats how I soon as I found out I just got bigger. Yes it is so cute im happy!! @gabysmami how come your not showing at 31 weeks?
  • I'm almost 7 weeks and I'm showing a little already! ;) maybe we are all having twins lol
  • With my first and second I didn't start showing until about 27weeks. Before then it looked like my bobies and butt were pregnant.
  • Btw, I hope I'm not having twins, I would not be able to handle it.lol.
  • Lol omg im wuth you cadymj I would be so lost I have twin brothers and they are so bad lol
  • I'm 9 weeks and i think my belly is big lol but this is my 4th child
  • I'm 10 weeks 6 days an no bump or anything yet! Intact im looking weight.
  • I'm 13 weeks and just noticing my belly is growing. I just look fat tho >.> Can't wait until I'm obviously pregnant :D I don't know about you ladies, but the sides of my abs are pretty sore!
  • I'm 8weeks, and I'm not showing yet. But my boobs are killing me. And you know its cools in Philly right now,being winter and all my boobs extra hurt when its snowing or extremely cold, I hope that stops soon.
  • Yea im sore too I hope it stops soon
  • Im 27 weeks today, i didnt start showing till i was 16 weeks. I carry very small many tell me its because im having a boy :/
  • Idk if I'm showing or if I'm just fat... "/ lol been eating like crazy!
  • Maybe im just late but i didnt show until i was about 20 weeks. Im 33 weeks now and its like carrying around a watermelon all day
  • I'm 13 weeks and not even The slightest bump still skinny as a rail haven't gained any weight either. Dr says I probably won't show til I'm ready to pop
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