mucus plug question tmi

edited January 2012 in Pregnant
Sorry for all the tmi posts girls but I'm a gym n have a lot of them.

So I'm 39suddenly weeks today n me and my boyfriend just finished up sex and I went to the bathroom to clean up. When I pushed to get myself cleaned out I heard a thump into the toilet n I passed a dime sized lump of something that was white n snotty looking and it was a clump. Could this have been my plug?


  • was there snotty stuff when you wiped? could of been your plug.
  • Yupp thats just a little above your opening
  • Yeah it was yellow tinted snotty stuff when I first wiped and then when I pushed it was that lump followed by even more yellow tinted snotty stuff. Being pregnant is a beautiful thing but the process of labor starting can be gross!
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