would I be wrong if I left my bd?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im so soft right now and tired of arguing. i just wanna pack up and go. Would I be wrong to leave him at 34 weeks?


  • I think that's your choice. If it was me I would wait til after the baby is here, some men change their attitudes after seeing their baby. You're so close anyways. Then afterwards if he doesn't change then you would never have that "what if" thought.
  • Thanks.. I hope so but if not im gne pre pack my stuff...
  • He has the majority of my preg symptoms maybe thats why he so mean right now. But im the type to just get up and walk away since i dont like arguing
  • Lol mine has gained 10 lbs..... I might just go stay in a hotel until I clear my mind......
  • When I was fed up w/ my hubby being a jerk with my first, I finally blew up and told him i'd had enough... he was horrified & said he was clueless that I was so miserable. In the end it really helped; we ended up finding out most of it was actually a treatable medical condition he has that when untreated can cause "severe irritability"... now we've never been happier. :)
    I would talk to your man & tell him enough is enough... he at least should deserve a chance to improve. Good luck hon! :)
  • I would def. Suggest u talk to him first, sometimes that helps but if you guys are arguing a lot it may just be a sign that you guys need some space. Trust me it works. You don't have to leave him or break up just set up a day or days where its just you doing something you enjoy. You will feel a lot better and it will help decrease a lot of bickering. I'm married and I feel like when my husband and I give each other space we get along a lot better. Hope this helps
  • Thanks ladies. We have had talks and the arguing would drop for a while then he would find something to argue about. Maybe we do need space... But once im gne there is no turning back.
  • I think that men get scared. I am 33weeks and my husband and I have been arguing for a couple of weeks now. About nothing. Its driving me crazy and I feel like I can't take anymore but I know as soon as baby gets here he will get a lot better. We went through the same problem when I was pregnant with our first son.
  • I cant take it. Everytime i get ready to leave he starts begging me not to. I just wanna go to the moon
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