Baby woke up with!!!!!

edited January 2012 in Babies Health
hes eye stuck idk wat its called. So ladies any advice to take it away im just wiping it with warm water. Any suggesting wat about boob milk??????


  • if its pink eye... he might need eye drops from the dr, cause it is an infection.
  • Conjunctivitis??? I would be going to tge doctors for medication. You can clean it with bm but I think it will just help clean it not cure it....
  • yeah thats the same thing as pink eye... just the technical name for it :) I
  • I put some breast milk in my little mans eyes when they were all gunky and it cleared them up over night. I did still take him to the doctor and got some ointment just to be safe.
  • Not so much pink eye, more like sticky boogers in the eyes.
  • My daughter had that, it was clogged tear ducts. I freaked out and took her to the doc and the only thing they did was send me a bill and tell me to wipe it off with a warm wash cloth. Lol as long as it doesn't start to look swollen and blood shot keep on doing what your doing!
  • She also said its VERY common almost every baby gets it but its not always as noticeable. I wouldn't rush to the doctor about it but if its not better by the next appointment mention it because she said if it doesn't go away after a while they have surgically unclog it. But I did the warm wash cloth and let it soak on her eye for a min after every feeding and hers was gone in a week
  • My daughter had that every time we changed her diaper we would wipe the eye buggers away with warm wash cloth then u put little bit of breastmilk on your finger then massage from the tear duct down to the side of the nose went way in one day for us. She just grad clogged tear ducts.
  • Breastmilk works wonders for everything from eyes to cuts to even clearing up babies sinuses! My pediatrician recommends it for everything!
  • Ty ladies sooooooo much
  • Breast milk works miracles and it should help whatever he has but mention it to the Pediatrician next time anyway
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