idk what to do!? heparin, lovenox, baby asprin? for blood clotting disorder. i need advice :/
I have had 3 mc and am now pregnant again.. They did testing and I have one mutated gene. Something called factor 5? They said its not very severe but I have the option to take blood thinners during pregnancy and it may or may not help or be the reason I am mc.. Does anyone have any experience with lovenox or heparin? My dr told me to take baby asprin daily, my prenatals, and proestregen inserts until my appt next week and we will talk about taking lovenox. I just want to go full term this time! and am willing to do whatever it takes. I just wonder if it will do me any good.
@septbabie thanks that gives me a little hope! Did they offer lovenox or heparin to you?
@septbabie WHEN I get passed the first trimester I am definitely getting one!
@heyitsme do you know if she had a mc before having her boys?
@mommyof3girls I hope lol. Other than worrying about my ex and our relationship I feel good so far. Like my body and stuff. I hope its a good sign.
@armahnismommy thank you! I am hoping this is my turn for a healthy pregnancy and baby!
If you need any more info just ask as have been through this 3 times.
@dadof2n1togo thanks for the info! when did she start the heparin? Right when she found out she was pregnant?
She started the baby aspirin on advice of her normal doctor at general appointment and then first hospital appointment was at about 6wks preg and she started the heparin injection then. I'm not sure on what the lovenox is but I know in australia they believe that the heparin has the least risk of transfer to the baby. Here it's labelled as clexane.
You would most likely be induced for delivery unfortunately as they use that to control dosage before deliver to lower risk of severe blood loss and minimum of 12hrs before a epidural could be given.
The thought of the injections is daunting but best way is to grab the skin as you would a dogs scruff of the neck and rub gently after injection. As said try to make sure the liquid isn't to cold at time of injection and that should help to.
Good luck and as said am always here to chat.
Ok just did a quick google search and lovenox is the same as what my wife was on but is called clexane here in aus. Doctor may keep you also on the aspirin as a extra precaution which is totally safe for you and bub. The lovenox should be about a 40mg dosage most likely.
I don't get on here as much lately so please feel free to email me @ with any questions you may have or even if you just need help understanding something.