My brain feels like its gonna explode :(

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I've had headaches before, but this is crazy i've had this one for days, its in the back of my head and I am dieing, tylenol extra strength doesn't work, sleep doesn't work, laying down in a dark quiet room doesn't work, if I had insurance I would go to the er, please help


  • It really sounds like you should see a doctor for this honey.
  • that really isn't an option :/ my husband got let go a couple weeks ago and I found out i'm losing my job the end of march, if it comes down too it I may have too, but i'm hoping someone has some ideas
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  • Water makes me nauseous, i'm only 8 weeks :/ but I'll try
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  • I have the same thing! I'm now almost 15 weeks and it started 3 weeks ago and I think I hve had 1 or 2 days off from the pain. I went to the dr and all I could get was tylenol 3 with codeine. It helps a very little but the headaches are not going away. I drink water until I pee clear and it didn't help. What I find that helps is putting pressure on the back of my head or pulling my hair. Sounds weird but try it. I also have my husband give me neck and shoulder rubs. That helps a lot more. No amount of sleep, darkness, water, quietness helped. I see my obgyn on Tuesday so I'm going to ask what else can be done. I've been taking the pills but it isn't really a solution. I hope this helps you a little!
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