idk what to do!? heparin, lovenox, baby asprin? for blood clotting disorder. i need advice :/

edited January 2012 in Pregnant
I have had 3 mc and am now pregnant again.. They did testing and I have one mutated gene. Something called factor 5? They said its not very severe but I have the option to take blood thinners during pregnancy and it may or may not help or be the reason I am mc.. Does anyone have any experience with lovenox or heparin? My dr told me to take baby asprin daily, my prenatals, and proestregen inserts until my appt next week and we will talk about taking lovenox. I just want to go full term this time! and am willing to do whatever it takes. I just wonder if it will do me any good.


  • Im not sure but i just wanna tell ya good luck. Maybe get a couple different doctors opinions just to b on the safe side.
  • @mommyof3girls Thanks. I feel like I have been going through so much :/ I just want a healthy pregnancy lol ughh. I really like my dr and I know ultimately its up to me but I think I'll try and do some research I guess.
  • @rjr33 here's a bump :)
  • I had 2 MC and finally after switching doctors found out I had a clotting problem. I took 81mg asprin a day and now have a healthy 4 month old. I know the stress ur going thru keep ur head up
  • My sis in law was on heparin for both pregnancys with no problems. I don't really have any other info though except she has 2 healthy boys now ages 6 and 8
  • Youre gonna be ok!!! You seem like a strong lady. The fact that u r willing to do whatever u gotta do for ur baby makes u a great mama already! :) hang in there and keep positive about everything.
  • @taytay thanks lol

    @septbabie thanks that gives me a little hope! Did they offer lovenox or heparin to you?
  • Get a fetal doplar I got minee off Amazon for $25 it was the only thiing tat keept me sane in-between apt.
  • I have factor 5. I took Lovenox for 34 weeks then switched to Heparin which is a shorter acting blood thinner.
  • Lovenox is a once a day shot that you give yourself in the belly. It burns a moment but no real pain. It goes in your fatty tissue. They come pre measured and ready. When you switch to Heparin it is twice a day. You have to fill your needles yourself. I was kinda scared honestly. You bruise more and it hurts a bit more. It is better late in pregnancy so when you do deliver you have less chance of bleeding issues. After baby is born they have you take them about 6 weeks after and depending on your condition might switch you to cumadin or warfin a bit longer. They are safe to use while breastfeeding. I got a blood clot with my last pregnancy and the treatment caused me to deliver at 26 weeks. Glad you found out before it caused a serious problem.
  • @mommyof4boys did you have mc before? I have factor 5 they said but only one mitated gene. Whatever that means lol.

    @septbabie WHEN I get passed the first trimester I am definitely getting one!

    @heyitsme do you know if she had a mc before having her boys?

    @mommyof3girls I hope lol. Other than worrying about my ex and our relationship I feel good so far. Like my body and stuff. I hope its a good sign.
  • I miss carried once before my youngest son and twice before this baby. Factor 5 litin(sp) mutation is a mutated gene that raises your risk of clotting. If you smoke, eat a lot of greens, or take birth control it raises the clot risk more. I recommend talking to a hematologist to help you assess your risks after the baby.
  • @mommyof4boys I went to a hemotologist he said its not a 100% sure if it's going to work for me. They keep saying I dont have a severe condition cuz only one gene is mutated.. And I have never had a blood clot before so idk? Did they tell you if you have one mutated gene or two? The only thing I worry about using the lovenox is if it will affect the baby at all?
  • I have one gene but did get a clot so that probably caused more issues. My baby is healthy and growing right on track. The Lovenox hasn't caused any issues with his development. I've actually noticed he is more active then my other boys during pregnancy and my Doc says "an active baby is a happy baby"!
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  • @mommyof4boys if you have a blood clot would the lovenox make it go away? I think I'm going to do the lovenox! I just know if I mc I am going to regret not doing it or trying. When did you start it? I'm 5 weeks and 2 days and my appt isn't till the 20th so I hope I'll be ok till then. :/ I hate this lol.

    @armahnismommy thank you! I am hoping this is my turn for a healthy pregnancy and baby!
  • My aunt had to do the same thing. She has the same issue. Now she's getting induced tomorrow morning because she just turned 40wks on friday. It works. Good luck.
  • The lovenox prevents blood clots and yes it helps resolve them. It keeps blood thin so the body can absorb the clot. I started a little after 6 weeks so you'll be fine. I pray it works for you like it did for me! It isn't a harsh medication with crazy side effects, it works with your body to make sure baby gets adequate blood flow.
  • @Rjr33 yes she did I'm not sure how far along but far enough that they were able to bury the fetus so I'm thinking near 20weeks
  • I also have factor V and another mutation called mthfr. Ask your hemotologist to teast for mthfr, most people with factor v also have it. I had 2 misscariages before we found out. After we found out the put me on a baby asprin, prenatals, 3 grams of folic acid and a really good B complex vitamin a day. Once I found out I was pregnant again the switched me to daily shots of lovenox and weekly shots of B12. From what I understand factor v also raises the chance of your baby having spinabifida and things like that, so that it why they put me on all the B vitamins, mthfr makes it worse, so that it also why I took so many vitamins. I hope this helps. Btw I have a very healthy 4&1/2 month old.
  • Also if you have factor v, when you are not pregnant you should be taking a baby asprin daily to prevent blood clots. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • Depending on difference of doctors. My wife was on heparin and baby aspirin every pregnancy until 6 weeks post. Heparin was a40mg shot once a day. This was due to a previous major blood clot. To stop the burning sensation make sure it is at room temp before injecting. The coldness is the burning sensation.
    If you need any more info just ask as have been through this 3 times.
  • @catben I remember them saying something about mthfr.. Its all so foreign to me. Idk what it all means just that I have a higher chance of blood clotting.. Did you have two mutated genes or just one? They are making it seem like having it isn't that big of a deal.. But I have had 3 mc so far so idk! :/ did you have any problems with the lovenox?

    @dadof2n1togo thanks for the info! when did she start the heparin? Right when she found out she was pregnant?
  • It is a big deal even if you just have one mutation. From what my obgyn & hemotologist said is the hemotology field has grown drastically in the last 10 years (10 years ago they wouldnt have know what was wrong with us), and they learn new things daily. A lot of doctors just are not well educated in this quickly changing field. Get on a good prenatal, a good b complex and extra folic acid today. I have one mutation in both the factor v and mthfr. All that means is you got it from one parent and not both. It is genetic so your little one will probably have it also. From what my doctor said is you start clotting the teeniest of tinyiest clots pretty much from the moment the egg implants and your estrogen levels go up and it just builds up, that is why I had to take baby asprin every day, to keep my blood thinned out in case I got pregnant. Once pregnancy was confirmed I switched from asprin to lovenox, then at 30 weeks I switched to 3 shots of heprin a day. They dont pass the placental wall so they are both safe for baby. The shots hurt for like a month then you get used to it and its no big deal. It did cause me to have some bleeding during the first trimester, doctor said it was ok to just take it easy, no more exercising. On a side note estrogen makes you clot so no more birth control for you after baby. My obgyn said she will never perscribe any for me because it could kill me. Pretty scary because I was on it for 10 years before!
  • @catben do you remember how far along you were when you started the lovenox? I am 5 weeks and 3 days so i just found out a few days ago. I have been taking baby asprin once a day.. But I'm scared its not enough. I wanna get the lovenox started. I have a dr appt the 20th. I am having to reapply for my medical so I hope I'm ok till then :/ i called the dr today to let her know i wanted to do the lovenox but I think I'll have to wait until my medical restarts. :(
  • @catben I just talked to my nurse at the dr office.. She wants to put me on heparin twice a day. Do you know if there is a big difference between heparin or lovenox?? :/
  • We have the same mutated gene.didn't know I had it until my 3rd pregnancy .they think that's why I miscarried the other two. My doc put me on baby aspirin once a day and some folbee tablets...I think that's how you spell it, and it worked! I now have a very healthy 3month old boy. I hope this works out for you!! :)
  • @rjr33
    She started the baby aspirin on advice of her normal doctor at general appointment and then first hospital appointment was at about 6wks preg and she started the heparin injection then. I'm not sure on what the lovenox is but I know in australia they believe that the heparin has the least risk of transfer to the baby. Here it's labelled as clexane.
    You would most likely be induced for delivery unfortunately as they use that to control dosage before deliver to lower risk of severe blood loss and minimum of 12hrs before a epidural could be given.
    The thought of the injections is daunting but best way is to grab the skin as you would a dogs scruff of the neck and rub gently after injection. As said try to make sure the liquid isn't to cold at time of injection and that should help to.

    Good luck and as said am always here to chat.
  • @rjr33
    Ok just did a quick google search and lovenox is the same as what my wife was on but is called clexane here in aus. Doctor may keep you also on the aspirin as a extra precaution which is totally safe for you and bub. The lovenox should be about a 40mg dosage most likely.
    I don't get on here as much lately so please feel free to email me @ with any questions you may have or even if you just need help understanding something.
  • Lovenox is a low dose heprin that is released over 24 hours, thats why you only have to do 1 shot a day. Heprin is more concentrated and releases in the body quickly thats why you have to do 2 or more shots a day. I switched to lovenox at 5 weeks. Since you are on a baby asprin you should be ok until they switch you over. Just get on the b vitamins asap. They help more than you know. You can google factor v and mthfr and learn alot about it. Mthfr strips your body of & makes it very hard to absorb folic acid, b12 & b6. All of these vitamins are crucial in the early weeks of pregnancy. You will be fine, just make sure you find a good doctor. Ask your obgyn if she/he can refer a good hemotologist.
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