Constipation remedys for baby

He is 4 1/2 weeks old and poor lil guy didnt sleep at all last night because he was hurting so bad. What might help?


  • Chamomile tea caffeine free works great for my son. His pediatrician said 1 oz 3 times a day is ok but I only do it once and then 15-20min later he poops I only do it rarely
  • @angie87 its safe? Hes only a month old. I guess you wouldnt give it to your lo if it werent lol ive just never heard of that
  • Mine said prune juice diluted with water. I usually only give it once and it works. I also help stimulate him with a little vaseline and exercise his legs and rub belly when he is trying to push.
    I gave him juice for the first time at 5 weeks and really diluted or maybe just a little water twice a day like half oz
  • I used an oz of warm water and half a teaspoon if brown cooking sugar, always worked fast. Its what my midwife told me to try.
  • Thanks for your suggestions @angie87 @tinka1326 @frida314 I tried the juice diluted with water (because thats what I had on hand) and he managed to poop a little bit so I think hes feeling a little better now
  • My oldest sons Dr said warm sugar water. When he was a baby, he always had a really hard time going. The sugar water worked great
  • Water with brown sugar world for us.
  • @sands3 thankyou! My husbands grandmother also suggested sugar water
  • @natashalynm thanks for your suggestion
  • Good thing he got a little bit out, plug gone he will probably pass softer stool later on. Mine always needs help with that first dry part
  • My doctor suggested an ounce of prune juice mixed with an ounce of formula or BM. Works for my little after one dose.
  • @frida314 Yea, thats how my first son was, so im hoping he will have an easier time now. Thanks for your help
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