here comes the...

edited January 2012 in Pregnant
SNOW... haven't had any accumulation in wisco yet and tomorrow calls for 5-6in ... sad to hear its coming but it just wouldn't be winter without it!


  • We barely ever get snow here in the part of texas I'm in
  • Must be nice lol everyone wants it then after about two weeks of it all the hype goes away, at least I have Bd and a snow blower so this momma can just sit back and enjoy the winter wonderland :)
  • We got snow on Monday, about 7" I live in w TX and hadn't had that much snow in forever. People didn't know how to act, lol, they shut everything down.
  • Of course it was gone by Tuesday afternoon.
  • Lol, we got about 2 feet overnight last year feb, I work at the hospital here and most all the staff was sleeping in extra patient rooms and in waiting rooms, it was nuts... all of our city plows were stuck too our city/area shut down for about 20 hours
  • That's crazy.. we had to borrow equipment to clear the roads, that's how non existence it is here lol.
  • Just be glad if your not in alaska. Some places got 16-18 FEET OF SNOW
  • @Steph_due_101611 that's insane... I love it though being snowed in to me is awesome! Just hang in pjs all day and drink coco
  • Jealous! Were inlm at in WA stare we still haven't even seen a flake!
  • Update***

    The snow has arrived about 2in already :)
  • I hate snow. Not watching it fall but having to clean it off of, your car and drive in it. But I must say it really didnt feel, like Christmas last year here in NY. Now we are having unseasonably warm weather and it just feels weird. But Im not complaining. But I do miss it...a little.
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