baby food

edited January 2012 in Babies "First's"
When can my Lo start baby food (gerber) she's 3mnts and 1wk. Thanks


  • Depends on you
    If you ask a nutritionist (Where I live) they say absolutely nothing before 6 months old. I started making my daughter baby food at about 5 months. At 6 months old I started giving her egg's and the other stuff because it's recommended now to give babies meat and protein right off the bat.
    Whenever you feel comfortable is really the answer, because every woman is different. Personally I wouldn't give my baby food at 3 months, but that's just me :)
  • Yea, I should just wait. I gave her alittle yogurt just to see if she will get it, and she did. She looked funny though. Thanks for your input @FullTimeMommy
  • My lo gets veggies. She's 3mos.
  • Mines started oatmeal and is 3m. Watch for the signs. Mine is (assisted) sitting up, mimicing eating, grabbing for food and can push food from front of mouth back to swallow.
  • Yea, Like I said
    Every Mom is different, it's one of those things that you could either argue about until you're blue in the face, OR just do what you feel is best and trust that other women will do the same.
    Your baby will also let you know. A good hint is if she's pushing the food out like she's eating a bottle, then she may not be ready just yet... if that makes sense lol
    Good luck
  • Thank you ladies ill just wait alittle longer :-)
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