flu shots while pregnant?

edited January 2012 in Pregnant
I just got over a terrible stomach flu and woke up now with a sore throat. I have never had a flu shot in my life so I'm not sure about getting one. Can there be any harmful effects from it or is it safe to get while pregnant?


  • I got my flu shot at my first ob appointment!
  • I never ever got on nor will I ever!!! Every one of my kids and my fiancée who's an emt got one and they got sicker then a dog after words. Drink lots of OJ! There's a good drink called C-Boost you can get it at Walmart. I myself would not risk getting one let alone I don't want to chance something happening. I know many pregnant women get them and they are fine but I've never had one with any of my 5 kids!
  • My ob reccommended me getting one when pregnant, I got it the very begining of sept because I was going to be having the baby soon. They told me that the baby will be too little to get one so it was best for me to get one while pregnant that way the baby will recieve some of it from me.
  • I had one in 3rd trimester.
  • I got my flu shot when I was 9 Weeks & I was fine & so was my lil baby :)
  • I got mine, it protects the baby after they are born as well. I've never had bad reactions/side effects from a flu shot either. Its recommended you get one while pregnant though.
  • I got mine at 38 weeks. The flu shots now dont contain a live virus so you wont get sick. Get it while pregnant, your body passes antibodies to baby so when they are born they already have a small immunity built up for it.
  • Just got mine the other day. There can be a few side effects which are like a cold. So far I've had a stuffy nose and this is my first time getting it. I was nervous too, but going to be traveling with a month old in march and don't want to catch it. Also being pregnant we got the dead one, so its safer.
  • I meant being pregnant you don't get the live virus. The live one is the nose spray.
  • Its good to get it...imo.
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  • I got mine when I was around 35wks preg, felt fine as ever! I recommend it.
  • I got mine a week before my daughter was born and I'm very glad I did because a few weeks ago my husband and daughter both had the flu and neither baby or I got it. And out would have put my baby in the hospital because my daughter had a fever of 103-104 when she had the flu, it was really scarry!
  • I got mine I get one every year at work, so I think I don't get sick from it bc I've gotten used to it. I also year round take vitamins...iron, vitamin d3, b1, b12, b complex...also drink vitamin c drinks...I rarely get sick even if the whole house is.
  • I guess I will ask my ob next Friday when I go in. I have never had one so I'm scared lol. I dont want it to mess me up! I am not very far along maybe I will wait until I make it to the second tri..
  • I'm getting one next time I go I had one with my son and never got even a sniffle
  • I got a flu shot during pregnancy. As long as u don't get the live one....that's the nasal mist u will be fine.
  • I got one & glad I did, since the flu is going around here.
  • I won't ever get a flu shot simply for the effect that it's truly pointless imo. The flu shot that they inject you with is made from last years strain so it will only protect you against last years strain and each year the strain of flu changes and the reason people get sick after getting the flu shot is because it lowers your immune system for two weeks and those that get the flu shot can tend to think they are protected soo they are more careless about who they are around or washing their hands after everything they touch.(or those that are in the medical field and are constantly around such people) and they end up getting the current strain of flu while their immune system is lowered.
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