i need help with sex issues!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ladies I need help! I know that you not supposed to have sex in your 3rd tri. But we haven't had sex since my husband felt her move! I am definitely one of those women whose sex drive has gone through the roof since i've been pregnant and I'm dying for some attention. Hes been really sweet.but all romance has gone out the window he want even touch me more than a hug! Any suggestions? I'm desperate for some attention!


  • Everything I read and what Dr told sex through out whole pregnancy is good I had sex with my hubby with our first a week before she came. Did your Dr tell you not to
  • Call the doc to make sure but I know a few ppl who have had sex right up til they deliver I'm 30 weeks and my doc said I can have sex...
  • You Can have sex all the way through un less your dr said not to go for it.
  • I read it on a few websites. Either way it doesn't really matter bc its not like hes gonna! :(
  • Awe if I have a girl I'm naming her peyton. I had it picked since I was a month & half :)
  • You need to find out what he's afraid of he can't hurt the baby reassure him of that and if it comes to it just take him don't let him say no be incharge
  • Haha that's hilarious! He is 6'4 240 lbs. I am 5'2 and 8 mo. Preggo i don't think i can just make him!
  • Rufies.....j/k....maybe if he's too afraid to have sex you can do other things together. Make sure he knows that after baby is born its gonna be another 6 weeks before he can get some so he better some while the gettin is good ;)
  • You cant make him...but you can convince him... ;)
  • edited March 2011
    @PeytonsMommyToBe Medically speaking, if you have a healthy, normal pregnancy, sex during your third trimester is fine. The websites you read might have been misinformed or might have been referencing different issues such as placenta previa (placenta low in uterus), vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, or STDs. If you have any questions, be sure to ask your doctor. Sex is actually very helpful and healthy - it releases chemicals that relax you and relieve stress, and some women find it can relieve a little pressure in the vaginal area. :D The March of Dimes has a great article about sex during pregnancy here (http://www.marchofdimes.com/pregnancy/physicalactivity_sex.html).

    Now, more to the point about your husband, he may be afraid to hurt the baby, or he may be coming to terms with the pregnancy finally being more "reality" than a thought since he felt the baby move. First and foremost, he cannot hurt the baby through normal sex. Nor does the baby realize what is happening, which is another fear some men have. If these are his concerns, you both should sit down with your doctor and discuss the issue so his fears and concerns are eased. As for the latter option I mentioned, this is something you two should discuss. Let him know how you feel - you feel like you are not getting attention, your sex drive is increased, you really love him and want to be intimate with the man you love - and discuss ways you may be able to compromise. Be open to listening to his concerns and fears, and be open to offering your concerns and fears to him. Communication is the best thing in this situation! :)

    As an ending note, if everything works out, this article describes several comfortable positions to try during your third trimester (http://pregnant.thebump.com/pregnancy/third-trimester/qa/best-sex-positions-for-third-trimester.aspx).
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