
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Who all has a Doppler at home if so what brand. How do you like it and how far along was you When you first used it


  • Walmart has one for like $20, usuallt around 20-24 wks u can hear. If u RENT the medical dopplers online, they work at like 12 wks and run like $15-$20 a month
  • I didn't even no u can get those I want one but y rent wen u can buy??? Good info @singlemomofsoontobe3
  • They are more than $1000 to purchase
  • Am renting a hi bebe doppler it cost me £10 per month I started using it at 12 weeks :-)
  • I brought mines off Ebay for $60 and it works great. Can't remember the brand but if you search fetal dopplers on there just read the feedback on the items to se if it got positive reviews. That's what I did!
  • Awesome info everyone!
  • I was looking at this site they have 5 stars and they are $100 to buy it
  • @mum2elliottnachay is the hi beber ones good that's the brand I found for 100 and wanted to buy
  • I read reviews on the Walmart ones and heard they don't work.
  • I bought my hi Bebe Doppler from for $130 and I started using it around 11 weeks. Best money I've ever spent!! I love it! It has the LCD screen to show you how fast the heart beat is and you get to keep it for years and years!!! Works amazing! I suggest buying one instead of renting.
  • Amazon has one that come with gel for 130.00
  • Yeah that's the one I wanted to buy just wanna make sure its good and works I'm 12 weeks now and just wanna make sure in between apts the baby is OK. My mom told me to check with my doctor and shed buy it for me after my apt they just lowed the prices so its now 100 plus they have one for 80 without the display and one for 120 too
  • They also come with a free bottle of jell.
  • @ginaa412 that's the one I have. It works amazing!
  • @kayleesmommy thanks and how often do you use it I don't want it to harm the baby that's why I wanted to speak to my doctor on Tue
  • Is yours a 3hmz or 2hmz? I wanted the 2 is that one OK?
  • My husband got mine for Christmas its called baby sounds it worked for me at 10 weeks but the box said 12 weeks I love it and use it every day
  • I wouldn't see a problem with it hun. I think the only difference is that one doesn't have the screen. I use mine everyday, doctor said its 100% safe. And im almost 27 weeks along :)
  • @kayleesmommy the website is search for the dopplers what one do you recommended I wanted the $99 one
  • That one looks fine or you can get the one that's priced right above that one :)
  • Which one was above it?
  • The 3hmz is the one priced above it. It has just a little more strength and clearer sound but the one for 99 is the same one I have, works AMAZING!
  • OK thanks can't wait to get it
  • I asked my doctor he said don't use it a lot it can burn the baby?? So I figure ill use it when I start getting worried. How much do y'all use it
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