What is everyone's plan??



  • I had my daughter naturally.I was 10cm when I arrived.I don't want to wait till i get that far this time but being at home helped it go a little faster for me because I was relaxed.
  • Awe good luck all of you mommy's!! We gotta keep each other calm when the day gets closer hahaha
  • I'm wanting to go natural. I'm definitely scared cause I know its going to hurt BAD. But I've heard that after you have the baby it makes all the pain worth while. And plus I've heard way too many bad things about epidurals and I already have back pains from a work accident. I'm not wanting to make it worse. I'm going to talk to my dr about diff pain management.
  • I dont want to jinx myself in anyway, so Im playing it by ear. What ever happens, happens. I hope to have a vaginal delivery, but Im keeping an open mind in case something goes wrong.
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  • I had two births with no epidural and one with an epidural. I am definitely doing an epidural if at all possible.
  • I'm 20 weeks with my first and going to attempt natural birth. I am open to drugs or c if anything goes wrong but I think I can do it! My mom had 3 natural and easy labor (but I feel like she may be forgetting some stuff lol) good luck to all the mommies out there no matter how you are doing it
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  • I have had a spinal and an epideral. Epideral was the best I was walking 15 minutes after he was born. Hello epideral!! Why go through unnecessary pain. People endure it until they can't take it anymore then its sometimes to late to get one. By the time you ask for one its an hour before they actually get you one so I just asked for one as I was checking into labor and delivery! Lol
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  • #1 was hospital, all natural. I was in so much pain they asked my mom to come in and hold my puke bucket. I was actually sedated 15 mins after birth bc I was puking so much I couldn't talk.
    #2 I went for the epidural after the pain started to get real bad.
    This time around I am facing a possible csection due to previous surgery and health complications. If not, epidural all the way!
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  • Im defo having 2nd section first baby was 12.5 pounds takin no chances!
  • I'm almost 10 weeks but I plan on laboring at home as long as possible then heading to this hospital when things start progressing faster. I hope my hospital has birthing tubs because that's ideally where I want to deliver. No drugs, thank you very much!
  • @uncaffeinated_kate I just tried to go to the dentist and he told me he wouldn't do any work on me! I had no idea and my midwife was telling me to go! You make a good point all that other stuff can't be good for you!
  • Whats are the benifits and risks to a birthing tub?
  • Im going totally natural again. Labor doesn't have to be a writhing screaming sweaty mess without drugs. I really practiced relaxing and keeping fear at bay. This is my fourth pregnancy. The first was intense but manageable even though they made me use pitocin (which makes contractions stronger) I lost my second @ 14 weeks by far the worst pain I've ever felt. Even had a war veteran in the room who said he'd never seen anyone in pain like that. Third was all natural. I used a labor tub (the aquadural) and sang while I was pushing to distract myself. That really created a very calm joyful atmosphere in the room. This time I'm using a midwife and am going to try to have a water birth. I plan on singing again and relaxing my muscles. This freaks alot of women out but I can wait for the birth. I am not dreading it at all! I do try not to read birth horror stories. I like to find videos of calm women who haven't had drugs and are in labor. It has always gi en me hope fir an easy delivery.
  • I did both previous deliveries with no pain meds... My first was induced but labor only lasted 3.5 hours... My second I was in labor for about 19 hours...but didn't go to the hospital till my contractions were just about 4.minutes apart...my baby came 4 hours later....I'm scared to death to get an epidural.....so I'm planing on doing this one the same as my second.... (the entire labor before going to the hospital was spent christmas shopping at various malls and eating breakfast...lunch and dinner....best way to labor for me
  • I had an epidural with my first. I ended up having a spinal leak afterward and had the worst headache imaginable, and had a spinal patch to fix it. So with my second I did nothing, all natural. It was very painful, but when my baby was born the pain was gone. So after talking with my doctors I think I might try an epidural again for my 3rd baby in july. My reasons are the spinal leak is only like 2% chance of happening again. And I only labored for 5 hours with my first, and I labored 8 with my 2nd because I couldn't relax enough to let the contractions do what they needed to do.
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