How do i tell my mom

edited January 2011 in September 2011
I need help I'm not sure how to tell my mom. Any ideas?


  • Howe Oldd Are Youhh
    If I Mayy Askk..
  • I was nineteen when i found out i was pregnant!! and the only person i wanted to tell was my mum. i went round one evening and sat down for a meal after i told her i had something to tell her and would need her support. she listened i cried and she told me no matter what i choose to do she would always support me. I now have a beautiful little girl who is off to school and am expecting my second. As a Mum and having been in your situation, mums are only human and if she isn't jumping from the roof tops its because she is concerned about your welfare, if your happy tell her so, and and maybe not today but maybe tomorrow or the next day she will see this is what you want and you will be the best mum for that little one.. Good luck
  • I'm I was 17 wen I found out I'm 18 now and 24 weeks pregnant but wen I told my mom I started crying and I never cry so she just knew and her and my dad were so mad for about 2 months but now there kind of use to it and ask about the baby
  • i was 17 when i first fell pregnant, had baby at 18. fell pregnant with my 2nd at 19 and had baby at 20, fell pregnant with 3rd at 21 and lost baby 11 weeks later, fell pregnant again at 21 with my 4th and i'm now 10 weeks and 2 days pregnant. it doesn't matter how old you are, you can still be a good mum. at the end of the day, the baby is your responsibility so whether your mother or father agree or not is neither here nor there really. yes it's nice to have their support, but it's not the end of the world if they dont like the idea... there are plenty of places for you to get help and support from. i reckon, to be honest, you should go to see them and just come out with it, just tell them, you're pregnant, you want to keep it, and that you'd be happy if they would be happy for you and support you throughout... if they don't it's their loss! :-) good luck x
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  • Moms always mad but they get over it soon as they lay their eyes on the baby!
  • I'm 25 w my 1st and I just let my mom know last night. She was surprised especially since the timing isn't the best but she was very supportive. I feel a lot better now that she knows. You might be surprised after the initial shock.
  • I'm 15 years old, and my bf is 19, Im pregnant but I'm super scared, my parents are strict, kinda over protective, and really religious (especially my dad) I think about it every day, Idk how to tell them :/ help!
  • Yikes... be really careful they could press charges
  • I was 15years old when I was at Akron childrens hospital getting ready to have surgery. They do a urine test before you have surgery just in case. The doctor came out ansaid he needed to talk to me. I went back anhe said he wasn't able to do the surgery your i was pregnant. Talk about your heart dropping and being scared out if your mind. I didn't hav time to think of what I was going to tell my mom. I had to tell her right on the spot. I just simply told her, "mom well, they can't do the surgery bc I am pregnant." She said well I guess that's a good reason huh. She said well this is something we have to deal with and your going to have to live with. My mom was very supportive. My dad was the one that was more upset. He got over it real quick. Mothers will always understand. As they are mothers themselves. They will never stop loving you. I was 17 when I got pregnant again had my 2nd at 18. I was then 22 when I had my 3rd and 24 when I had my 4th. I am now 6 weeks 3 days pregnant again. This time was the hardest to tell my mom. I have been taking precautions to not get pregnant but it doesn't work. I am done now. But my mom this past time I sat her down and just told her again. Mom well remember when you said you wanted more grand kids...... well your wish came true. She laughed and said wow thanks I didn't really mean it. She was very supportive though. I am 25 and will be 26 when I have this baby. There is hope believe me. There are people that will help you out no matter what. Hang in there!!!! Things will always work out how they are suppose and everything happens for a reason!!!!!
  • @electric, I know we are really scared about that, we hope they don't because they went through the same with me :/
    @momo I'm glad everything worked out for u, very blessed! :)
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