Want to know now....

edited March 2011 in November 2011
My hubby and I are trying for baby number 3. We have two boys ages 2 1/2 and 1 year old. Im suppose to get my period Monday however after breastfeeding for a year im not regular yet so thats based off a 28 day cycle. Ive thrown up a few times, been craving water like crazy and I never drink water, I had a week of what seemed like a cold but no one else caught it, my boobs seem sore but im afraid thats just in my head. Ive taken 2 tests this week both negative... I dont get how people post their due date for Nov 14th already know since that would be my due date also. Need someone to talk to going NUTS!!!


  • edited March 2011
    Lol how weird my period is supposed to start monday and if aunt flow doesn't show then my due date is nov 14th to. Im also impatient to know my symptoms have been sore boobs(which i hardly ever get be4 my period) nausea and pain in my pelvis the best advice I can give is just take a deep breath and re test a week later :-) I hope this helps some lol
  • What sort of pain in ur pelvis? Today I seemed to have cramping but it went away shortly after not like when I get my period.
  • Light cramping and sometimes it feels like my stomach is fluttering i've also been having gas how far along are u? Im 3w5d
  • I have the same thing stomach fluttering and gas like crazy... According to this im 3w5d also however im not sure what the lenght of my normal cycle is anymore. When r u testing?
  • If AF doesn't show up on monday then im going to test on the 10th. If I can wait that long lol :-W
  • I dont know how u havent tested already...
  • Is this ur first?
  • edited March 2011
    I did test I tested on the 27th of feb and again on the first of march both came back neg so this time I really want to wait to see if that makes a diffrence lol. And yeah this might be my first.
    do my symptoms sound like maybe I could be pregnant to you?
  • Ya. Its early to have nausea but Iwith my first two I was nauseaus the entire 9 months to the point I was loosing weight that they put me on meds.
  • Yikes why did it last the entire time? I hope this one is easier on you :-) when are you going to test?
  • Just got AF sooooo sad and mad! Hope u have better luck!
  • Aww dang :( sending lots of baby dust ur way!
  • To early for stomach flutters you wouldn't have those till at least 11 wks.
  • I did a test this morning and it was positive! Am also due 14th Nov. Felt pregnant since a couple of days after conception. Much sooner than I did with my first. I was so impatient I did 2 tests which were neg last wk. sending lots of baby dust to you all!
  • My bf and I have been tryin since aug. To get pregnant. This time it kind of feels different. According to this I'm 4wks, but my cycle is irregular and we tried some type of supplement pills this time around as well. I want to take a test, but in the same sense I don't want to see "not pregnant" either. So I don't know, but I jus want this time to be positive!
  • Im suppose to get af on tuesday. Tested today and was neg. Gonna test again in a week i guess. My boobs have been killing me so i was suprised to see a neg but am hopeing it was because i tested too soon.
  • So excited about number 2 took two HPT and they both came back positive but I can't help but feel like they may be lying to me confirmation appt. on the 10 but I want that reassurance now! I know that I feel exactly like I did when I was pregnant last time! Best wishes to all expecting mommies!
  • Took a test and it said not pregnant but I'm goin to wait another week or two to see if af comes....
  • Im also due Nov. 14 im currently 4wks n 3days.. Good luck 2 all... I also am very gassy w/ sore boobs the fluttering is most likely the gas... I tested yesterday n got my positive.. Good luck again ladies
  • Most everyone seams to have found out by now if they are preg. I am afraid to take a test ... I don't want it to be negative.
  • It is definitely hard to wait to take home tests but for those of you waiting, try to hold off til a week past missed period. I took a test the day I missed and it was neg. I knew I was preggo sore boobs and all. So I retested a week later (yesterday ) and positive!! I lack patient lol this is our second. Good luck ladies!
  • Im 5 wks and 6 days my 3 rd hope boy this time and my boobs r soar i have 2 girls already
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