Well sometimes I get emotional and angrey when it comes to some points of my daily life from time to time if I stress occasionally will that hurt my pregnancy?
I think it all depends. I was under an intense amount of stress in August/September 2010 and I believe it to be the reason I miscarried. Stress is not good for anyone, especially a baby. I know relaxing is not always possible, but you should really try to do something for you and the baby.
How much in that period of time did you stress out. Is it like dependant on how much you stress out? I know it's not like im trying to stress or anything. @Misskristin ;;)
There is just daily unavoidable stress and then there is big excessive stress. You cant totally eliminate it but try to stay calm when things get tough
I dont think so, everyone gets stressed, especially during a pregnancy. Excessive stress is not good for anyone, but I feel that everyone is different. There are several reasons for a miscarrage, just because you are stressed does not necessarily mean that it is going to affect the baby although for some people when they are stressed it raises there blood pressure and can cause many problems.
It really depends on you and how you manage stress. I was under a lot of pressure my entire pregnancy but I plowed through because I had to. I found out I was pregnant in my third term of hygiene school and I had tests to take, papers to write and I worked as well. I took my practical board at 37wks preggo and I thought the examiners were going to have a heart attack when they saw me. But I did it, passed and had my son 10 days later.
I've stayed stressed to the max this entire pregnancy. I have dealt with an overwhelming amount of stress and anxiety. Im 35 weeks. I was in the hospital Sunday for preterm labor and it wasnt caused by stress... its from my body being tired of carrying a baby from what the nurses told me lol im not gonna go into detail about my life but i've been in plenty of situations where if stress was gonna put me into labor it should have but didn't lol my daughter is growing fine and I've gained exactly as much weight as I was supposed to so far. I've had a mc too but that happened from the sac not attatching to my uterus wall well enough so the baby didn't get needed nutrients. Stress does affect my eating and sleeping habits and moods but everyone handles stress differently which will effect them differently. I can handle a lot of stress. Life has always been stressful lol