Getting so sick of my MIL!!!!!!!!!
Now that its the final few days/weeks my MIL does not leave me the eff alone. She texts me in the morning then the middle of the day if I stop responding and at night if I again stop responding. I am so sick of making up excuses for why I don't respond and ready to flip out on her. My own mother doesn't even do that nor ever would! I can't say anything either because then shell write in her letters to my husband that I'm ignoring her and being rude. Ugh!!!! I wish he was here!
@Granny2B Its how she is. She texts and calls her husband, all her kids, her mil, her mom and my hubby (when he can talk) all day long. She's very nosey and has to know what everyone is doing all the time. I usually ignore her when she texts me but now that its the end she texts me if i don't text her back. I can also have a convo with her in the morning and lunch and she still texts me at night. If texting her once a day was satisfying for her I wouldn't mind so much lol.
@three_cats_n_a_baby Its horrible right? I remember when my hubby and I were going through troubles a month before our first year anniversary of being together, she sent his number to her friends daughter because she didn't like me. Now she tolerates me, but she's always jealous of me taking her oldest and since he's been with me he no longer comes at her every whim which makes her mad.