Flat head syndrome

edited January 2012 in Babies Health
Hiya, i ve got 14wk old boy and his head is flat on one side. I seen doctor, spoke to health visitor and everyone is saying it will round up itself when he starts moving more. I position him but its getting harder now cos he can move his head. Im worried sick, its constantly on my mind! Im scared it wont correct itself. Does any of u mums have the same problem or know someone who experienced it? Please help!


  • I heard it's from laying the baby on one side too long.
  • It should fix its self. Some babies just perfer to lay certain ways no matter how u position them.
  • My daughters head has a slight slant bc her possition in my belly just keep doing what ur doing proping the head my sister failed at this now my niece has a slant on hers she's 2 years old its starting to smooth out.
  • Thank u ladies! I just dont understand when they say its common cos i hvt seen one baby with flat head! All my friends babies have nice round heads and its not true that its caused by leaving baby at one side too long cos i always swapped the sides and i always play with him! He is on his back only few hours a day cos i constantly hold him or sit him up cos of his head. Oh god i just wished it was fixed already! I cannot stop stressing about it :'''(
  • My lo has a flat spot on the back of he head. She hates tummy time.
  • edited January 2012
    Steph_Due_101611 What do u do? Do u position her? I find it so hard, i turn his head when he falls asleep but after a few minutes he turns it how he wants it! Its so frustrating! We even both a pillow for £20 but at nite he always slips his head down from it and then lay on the flat side....
  • I don't do anything. Its not harming her and it will go back to normal in time. My son was the same way. He's 4 now. His head is normal, big like his daddys, but round/normal.
  • Steph_Due_101611 When did it go back to normal round shape? How old was he?
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