yeast infection

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I went to the doctor and he told me he would treat me for a yeast infection. When I got out I went to the pharmacy and they gave me a one day treatment pill to take. I'm worried bcuz my niece was in the hospital the night before are she's also pregnant and she has a yeast infection as well but the ER doctor didn't want to perscribe anything for the infection he advised her to go to her ob doctor since he was taught never to give out any treatment such as the one day pill. I trust my ob me and my niece go to the same one but still worried


  • If u are worried about taking the one day pill u should go buy the 7 day applicator treatment like monistat 7, i am on it right now because i thought i might have an infection and its safe to use the vag insert kind while preggo. They have an equate version at walmart for $5 i read the ingredients its excatly the same as monistat it says miconazole 2% on the box. Make sure it compares itself to monistat 7 not 3,5, or whatever else numberz they have because the 7 is the lowest dose its safe.

  • I already took the pill but idk what risks are involved
  • Well if your dr prescribed it to u knowing your pregnant then u have nothing to worry about i was just recommending the applicators as an alternative if it makes u feel better but don't worry u will be find a lot of women get yeast infections while pregnant
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