11 Months Apart!

edited January 2011 in September 2011
So, I just had my first child this past September, that makes him 4 months old as of now. He's such a blessing, yet a handful. I've been on birth conrtol (Nuva Ring) since 6 weeks after I gave birth. I really liked it, so easy to insert, comfortable. I go to my doctor for my bi-monthly check up, he tells me I'm PREGNANT! As of today I'm 8 weeks 4 days, with my second child. Due September 3, 2011. That would make my children 11 months apart! Oh no! Anyone else have children very close in age?! Any advice for me?


  • Me and my sister are 11 months apart and we've always got on fine, I don't know what it'd be like to look after two children that close in age though! Good luck with your pregnancy! :-)
  • LOL. Calm down, is my first advice. :)
    My Aunt has boys that are 9 months apart! Second pregnancy was TWINS! Talk about your hands full. They are all now grown and she is still pretty sain, to say the least. ;)
  • Bless your heart.... you might have problems along the 2year area but great thing they are so close that they can entertain each other
  • I have a 3 year old and a 4 year old it is not easy to keep up with them but looking back it was easier then now they are older and move faster lol but they get along great and do everything together and I am due with my 3rd july 21st
  • Thanks! I'm so nervous. My husband tells me he'd rather have them so close in age, yet I'm still iffy about the whole situation. I'm so drained, with work, my son, managing our home. I feel it'll only be more draining with another new born.
  • I have a 2 year old and I can't imagine how you feel.... make sure to make time for yourself
  • My 2 little girls are 16months apart they are 2 & 1 and my 2 oldest are 2 years 3weeks apart they're now 14 &12 years old. And having babies close together isn't as bad as you think. There are tough times since your oldest is still young & doesn't understand when they don't get your attention when they want it. But the closeness that they will have as they get older is amazing. To me i was already in baby mode so adding another in the mix wasn't bad. You already know what to do & my 2 yr old never showed any jealousy since she was so young i think she was more curious by the new baby. I'm expecting my next baby which will be 23 months younger than my now 17month old. Embrace it & enjoy.
  • I am starting to wish I had mine closer together. I have a 5 year old and I'm teerrified this time around because I don't know how she will be. Even though she's excited now, I don't want her to be crazy jealous when the time comes. GOOD LUCK
  • I am 8 weeks exactly today and have a 9 month old my 2 will be 17 months apart and I have some of the same feelings as u but I feel that they will be close and be able to entertain each other! It will be a lot but will be worth it!
  • I have a 9 year old and 10 year old that I raised all by my self......you will do fine its hard and really takes a lot but the clothes can be handed down if the same sex and they become friends.....they will fight as well but its all good.....I had nothing for a long time but I now have a great house and a fenced in yard a car and a pool in the back yard.....if I can do it on my own you can do it too.....don't stress you learn a lot as it goes by.....try keeping the kids on a routine as they age....start young on routine and keep it.....makes life easier and gives mom a little down time before bed.... Now after all the years have passed I am starting over with a baby due in Sept. You can do it.
  • Looking back I have pictures of my boys laying side by side on the couch both with bottles and me sitting at the feet watching them......lol kinda miss the days like that.
  • Congratz on your Irish Twins :)

    My Mother & her two sisters are all 11 months apart from eachother, my grandmother had 3 girls in 2 years and 10 months.
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