Feeling pregnant early

edited February 2011 in November 2011
I found out I was pregnant at 3wks 5days and as soon as I found out, I started noticing symptoms - sore boobs, nausea, moodiness... But I got thinking last night and I wonder if it was truely symptoms or just in my head. Would I really feel pregnant if I didn't already know that I was? Anyone else feel like this?


  • I was the same way the reason I tested was because my boobies were killn me I was only 4 weeks...
  • I thought the same thing nun of my symptoms occurred until I tested...
  • I felt the same way but then after I think back to the week before I tested I was actually having symptoms then and just blamed allergies and stuff
  • Some people just have really strong hormones. Like me I found out at 3 weeks 1 day. I thought I was that's why I took the test. Now I'm 6 weeks 4 days and puking my guts out.
  • I had ovulated on the 10th of this month and found out a week ago ... the only symptom I had was I felt nauseous one day now I feel all the symptoms all the time lol
  • I had ovulated on the 10th of this month and found out a week ago ... the only symptom I had was I felt nauseous one day now I feel all the symptoms all the time lol
  • More than likely you're not just making them up. You're just paying more attention to stuff that you wouldn't have noticed otherwise if you didn't know you were pregnant.
  • I hear ya ladies im 3weeks and1 day pregant. I haven't tested yet but my symptoms are nausea, sore breasts, mood swings and cramping I want to do a hpt this week but I feel like its to soon what do you all think? Should I do it now or wait till next week?
  • I'm the same. Am 3 weeks 2 days if pregnant. Have worse symptoms than I did with my first. am so impatient but am waiting until sunday to test as if I test now and get a false neg it will only upset me. Best waiting a bit longer. Bit early to test anyway.
  • I tested positive today at 4w 2d. Only have sore boobs.
  • Congest!!! :-) sands
  • Lol sorry meant to say congrats sands!! :-)
  • edited March 2011
    Also tested positive today at 4 weeks, 1 day! The frequent bathroom trips have started and sore boobs, cramping and moodiness.
  • I just found out this weekend , based on labs I'm at least 5 weeks, but was having symptoms 2 weeks before I found out like cramping, back pain, sore boobs, and on of nausea.
  • So when does the actual tome start? First day of last period something like that?
  • I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant, and that is 1 day after my period was due, I was feeling pregnant long before that honestly, this is my 3rd and I started getting nervous when my boobs hurt randomly then I started gagging at random things that don't usually bother me lol
  • I heard that the daddy "gets pregnant first" has anyone experienced this? I cought my husband eating pickles and cookies TOGETHER yesterday... no positive test yet but I Have had a queezy tummy the past week.... period should come the 13th so I guess I'll find out soon!!!
  • I got my positive test at 3 weeks and 2 days after my 3rd month on clomid, wondering if it might be more than one to show up that early!
  • I have been feeling very ill for the past 2 weeks. Exactly the day my cycle ended. 3 tests and all negative. Went to the doc and she drew blood...should know by tomorrow. Already have a 12yo and 2yo. Im feeling nauseated,constipated,sore breasts, and im always peeing. My bf is going to freak if we are preggers.
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