
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
ok so i ordered the intelligender test online and hopefully its here on monday :)
i was wondering if anybody else has tried it?? if so was it correct? im just soo excited bc everyone thinks its a boy and this is my first baby i caint wait to find out :/


  • I'm testing Monday, I will be ten weeks! Im just doing it for fun, I'm excited!!!
  • Mine was right and it was right for like 5 of my friends 2
  • omg yey! im 17w 4days :) im also excited :)
  • Mine was rite.with both my kids
  • @mommyof3boys do you have any advice on wat not to do and wat to do bc i saw alot of videos on youtube that said dont shake that you had to swirl it???? and so on...
  • mine was tampered with so I got mixed results and got a gender ultrasound before I could try again. Lol you are supposed to use your first mornings urine, no sex for 48 hours before taking the test, swirl and not shake. :) good luck!
  • Yea only swirl it don't shake and use first mornin pee
  • You're welcome!
  • I had sex the night before also it didn't bother the test
  • That's just what my instruction packet said so I posted it :)
  • Mine said boy which I think is the default. I'm having a girl. Knock on wood ... LOL
  • Nope girl is default because it is the color closest to ur pee and I have seen it happen before and googled it
  • Oh well if you Googled it then it must be right. Guess it was just wrong for me in general.
  • I took one two days ago. It said boy! That What everyone thinks aswell! By we won't have our gender ultrasound til another 9 weeks.
  • And I Have heard from previous posts and other sights more people have a false girl result. Which means it says girl but it ends up being boy. But who knows. Its just for fun anyways.
  • I did one, it came up very dark smoky green meaning boy. I had friends who did it, they all were correct except for one, but she shook it instead of swirling it. She did another one, followed the directions exactly& it was also correct. I got my gender scan 2dys ago, it was confirmed that the Intelligender was correct; it is very much a baby boy growing in there. Before the gender scan, my hubby insisted we buy another Intelligender, but we couldn't seem to wait the 48hrs of no sex to do it, so its still sitting there. Lol. It was also fun to do, even though you should never make financial or emotional decisions based on it though, but it does have a high success rate, especially is done correctly. My ultrasound tech said he has had a lot of correct results with people who have done an Intelligender then later confirmed it with ultrasound. Good luck!
  • I took. Two of these intelligender tests and both showed boy. This is our 5th child and we have 4 girls! We are really hoping. For that boy. We are due sept 13th and I just scheduled a gender ultrasound for april 4th. It can't come soon enough!
  • thanks everyone ;;) i will update yall ~O)
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