5month old baby poop question???

edited February 2012 in Babies Health
my bby has been eating avacado n cerial but tonight her poop was kinda hard : / should I give her water once a day? or wen can I start doing that??


  • I don't know about water, but my little man is 6 months old and whenever his bowels are kind of hard I lay off the cereal for one day and give him prunes instead. Hope she feels better soon.
  • Like us adults too much of anything can make your stool change. Lay up until it changes back and introduce each one separately to see which one can be causing the problem. As far as the water the pediatrician will tell you no water until the baby is one but I grew up raising my siblings giving them water and so was I raised the same way. That's your call but I believe that any child needs a little water. Not a bottle full but an ounce or so. My baby turned one month today and yes she already had water. Good luck.
  • thanks ladies!!
  • Babies can have water everyday. My daughters poop has been hard pretty much since solids. Her Dr said if it gets to hard or in pebbles give them apple juice with water or just water. If that fails dark kayro syrup
  • Np. With the kayro I would ask the dr cause I forgot the proper amount. I also give my daughter a lot of prunes and it helps.
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