My baby has rsv ;(

edited February 2012 in Babies Health
My son developed this cough a couple days ago and then follows wheezing. I was worried about the wheezing so I took him to the doc. They ran some rest on him and he was diagnosed with rsv...

What I wanna know is exactly what it is and how long does it take to clear up.

They gave me a nebulizer to give him breathing treatments and antibiotic


  • My four month old had it not to long ago.. its a nasty cough that for older kids and adults is just a bad cold but in small children it can be dangerous if untreated ... the fifth day is the worst and then it eases up.. they will probably have a cough for about three weeks or so.. watch for belly breathing .. if their resp. Are over 50 breaths per min. I would call the dr. And you shouldn't be able to see their ribs when they breath ... the neub treatments will help alot and wake them up in the middle of the night and make sure you are suctioning the nasal cavities ... and if their temp is 102 or higher its a hospital trip... my son was fine after the five days he started to clear up and the cough was gone in two weeks good luck
  • @Mostephanite
    So after 5 days of the nebulizer you're lo was fine?
  • He wasn't fine his cough started to ease up and slowly over the next week and a half the stuffy nose.. fever..not eating and fussing started to ease I kept him on the nebulizer for a week.. our dr made him use it every three hours .. he was not prescribed antibiotics because antibiotics don't work in RSV you can only treat the symptoms .. Tylenol for the andzoom discomfort .. saline nose drops for the stuffy nose and Vicks baby rub for the congestion ... we also ran a humidifier when he slept at night
  • Tylenol for the fever and discomfort *
  • @Mostephanite
    He's not running a fever or anything, he's very active, playing eating, cooing, he just has that mild wheezing and cough.
  • I am currently doing the at home treatments with the nebulizer. My daughter was in the hospital for five days due to the RSV; be careful with other children as it is very contagious and could spread back and forth. She is finally doing better, but the treatments are for like a month long. One is every 12 hours and the other one was every four, then six, and now I'm doing them every 8 hours. Every three days the dose changes until its once a day and then its over. I put it on a calendar and the whole entire treatment will be finished by the end of the month.
  • As soon as he started to cough I ran him in to the dr. I live In PA and work in the hospital as a nurse and knew that RSV was bad so I asked him to be tested and he was positive so his wasn't bad .. he did nt need to be weaned off the nebula treatments buy now he is sick again :/so i'm praying its not that
  • @jwrnjjp his pediatrician told me give him the treatment twice a day, once in the morning and once uhn the afternoon do does that mean his isn't that severe?

    They also gave me the nose spray and antibiotics
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  • I don't understand why they gave a antibiotic because after reading ur post the first time I researched it and it clearly said that an antibiotic does not treat rsv
  • She is taking two different medications with the nebulizer. One is like yours, which is twice a day. The other medication started at the hospital as every three hours but when the RSV was at its strongest they gave it to her every two hours. When she was released I gave it to her for three days every four hours, then three days every six hours, and now we are at every 8 hours for three days. After that it will be three days every 12 hours, and then three days once a day.
  • edited February 2012
    @RaylansMommy1 yeah I sae the same thing. I think the doctor said the antibiotics were so it would not get worse. The name of it is called azithromycin
  • Its to help prevent pneumonia because with RSV it can lead to it.. so I understand why they would be that aggressive with treatment... just keep on top of it and your baby will be fine .. highly recommend the humidifier and bucks baby rub.. put it on your babysitter chest and back and a tiny bit under their nose it will help break up the mucus .. and clorox the shit out of your house .. it is very contagious but the good news is if they get it again it shouldn't be as bad
  • Baby* ugh I hate phones!
  • Maddox got sick last week and was tested for rsv...praise God it came back negative. But I brought home an info sheet on it. While talking to one of my daycare parents who's 3 kiddos brought the cold with them...we figured out that one of her 8 month old twins has been diagnosed with bronchiolitis twice and told by her pediatrician that it wasnt contagious and the kids could come to daycare. Bronchiolitis is RSV!!! We both were so angry with her dr. It is very make sure to keep your lo home safe and sound. Good luck and hope your lo gets better soon.
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