I wish I could get my tubes tied

I do not want anymore children ever! Dont get me wrong I absolutely love love love my baby he is my reason for living. But I absolutely hate everything about having a baby. My pregnancy eadmiserable and painful and put so much strain on my relationship with bd. I lost all of my friends and almost lost my job. My delivery was painful and scary. Had to have an emergency c section so I wouldn't lose the baby. I got really bad ppd and couldn't even take care of my own child much less myself. I haven't stopped bleeding save for two weeks before I got my iud. I almost lost the man I love because I lost my mind when I had ppd (it's just now starting ti get better) I hate my body I look disgusting I have no energy to do my hair or my makup. being pregnant triggered my mvp so now I'm having heart complications. I absolutely hate everything about being pregnant and having a baby except for actually having my son. I can't say I would do it all again but having him I know I can say I'm ok with having gone through it once to have him but I want to have my tubes tied but everyone tells me not too I'm only 26 and illl want more kids.....no Idon't I love my son and I want to give him all my love but I won't make it through a second pregnancy. Ugh ok sorry vent over


  • Is ok. If you are positive that you don't want more kids. Do it. Is your choice and people shouldn't be giving you unwanted opinions about your life choices.
  • AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha I feel the exact same way, I HATED being pregnant, I was pregnant twice and was miserable and had complications the whole time and ended up with 2 csections. Minus the PPD and relationship problems I feel the same way as you do. I want so badly to get my tubes tied so I dont have a chance of it happening again but I dont want the surgery again, and my husband is going to get snipped but we dont have health insurance right now. I LOVE my two little boys, but we were getting to the point with our 3 year old that we could do whatever whenever again, to a point, and bring him and not a ton of stuff with us. Now that we have a 4 month old I feel like we are stuck all over again and I just wish I had them back to back so we could do more things as a family. I keep having these reoccuring crazy dreams that I get pregnant and then I get an abortion and my husband leaves me bc of it!!! It freaks me out so bad bc I would be so upset if I got pregnant again, but I dont believe in abortion (I believe a woman has a right to chose but it is not something I could go through with). Everyone tells me to just use protection and that if it happens it happens and it is meant to be and every baby is a blessing. I know that babies are a blessing, but I cant see it like that right now, and I cant help but to think that if I got pregnant again it would just make me crazy. If I could go back in time I would have gotten my tubes tied when I had my second, but at the time the doctor told me I could not that I was too young (24 years) and too unsure to make the decision at the time.
  • @my2boys omg I know it scares the hell out of me that it's possible to get pregnant again. I'm afraid to even have sex because of it. I hate this. @janet_2011 I'm going to talk to my dr about it monday
  • It's your choice! Even if you decide you want kids later...there's things to do and adoption. I got my tubes tied after my second. I'm almost 29 and know I'm done. Some tried to talk me out of it, but like you, I hated being pregnant.
  • Its your body your choice. I personally liked being pregnant. I had pre e had to be on bed rest. Went into pre term a couple of times and got really bad ppd as well. But its amazing what your body can do. Just really think about all your options. And be sure that you are DONE with kids :)
  • Given the complications and underlying heart problem, perhaps your doctor will consider it. Besides, a tubal doesn't mean you can never have children again. There is always envitro.
  • Hey girl, I hear ya loud and clear! I hated being pregnant, I'm 26, it was my first, it took its toll on my marriage, and I had com
  • . . Plications during m pregnancy! If you don't want to have more kids, don't let anyone pressure you into it, it's your body and your choice! Im in the same boat where I'm not sure if I want more. Me personally I'm waiting to get my tubes tied, JIC, but you do what you think is best for you :-)
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