Samantha Riley Born 2/9/2012
I went in to my prenatal appointment at 10:40 am on 2/8/2012 and was told I was 4 cm dilated, really anterior, 90% effaced and my midwife was surprised I was not in labor yet. She told me to try castor oil, so at 2:00 pm I took it with some apple cider. I had contractions off and on throughout the day and at 6:30 pm started more intense cramping. I called my doctors because I wasn't sure if it was from the oil or real labor. She told me to come in because I was gbs positive and if it was real I needed to get the antibiotics. At 8:00 pm we checked in and got all hooked up. The cramps turned out to be contractions and we were dilated to a 5. She had to break my water at around 12:30 to 1 am and we started pushing. We finally delivered at 3:54 a healthy baby girl. Samantha was 6 pounds and 10.1 ounces and 19 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful. She's an amazing baby and was perfect for me being a first time mommy because she latched right on to my nipple. We definitely learned to feed quickly. We were discharged today 2/11 at 1:00 pm. No infections and no complications with her at all. :-) I went natural through my delivery with only one stitch, but major swelling.
Heheehe she was born on my bday