I just thought of this convo when i read my friend @bexiewexie post. How many tests did you ladies take before it sunk in?? lol. I took at least 14 before my husband cut me off.
4 but I really want to buy more but every time I go to a store hubby wants to come...so I've resulted to taking Opks since I have like 80+ BTW I'm 6w4d..
@gatorbob the military doesn't recognize urine test as a pregnancy determination had to be blood work from the Dr so didn't see the reason to waste the money on it. We had been trying and I had no doubt that I was. That was an awesome way for you to find out though!
One each pregnancy, I figured once I got a positive there was no point in doing more. ...also at $8 each for the cheapest ones I didn't want to waste my money, wish Australia had ones as cheap as you guys get them
@tinka1326 Cool! My sister and brother-in-law are moving to Cootamundra NSW. I have been Google mapping it like crazy today to see exactly where they are moving, lol.
Well since I miscarried back in may where I had taken a test everyday and they never got darker. So this time around I waited to take them every other day I prob ended taking 5 or 6 in the end I don't remember!!