alot of pain

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Someone please help I'm having a lot of back pain and it won't ease up I went to the doc today and all he did was give me pills I'm tired of pill and he didn't seem to sure on them either and him and another doc kept going back and forth about the meds but he was so stuck on this one an when I asked about the risks be couldn't loo me in the eye. He just said u should be fine


  • You could google the meds and see for your self if it is safe to take while preg.
  • Try accupuncture (so brain fart) I player sports and I have a bad back.... so I am in major pain.... I found one that specialized in prenatal accupuncture....
  • I hate neddles ... I'm switching docs tomorrow customer he just is not for me I'm I pain an not happy I've had to stay in bed all day exp to cook dinner an I almost wasn't able to do that
  • Sorry should of said because not custemet
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