TTC after nuvaring... anyone else?

I got off the nuvaring after a yr and a half of being on it. I began to have horrible pain after putting it in the week after my period (super short period). I had it in a few days when the pain started. I immediantly took it out. When I did and wiped (srry tmi) there was spotting which I've never done. I scheduled an appt with the doc and he said to switch bc but instead me and my fiance wanted to try to have a baby. The next two weeks I spotted dark blood. I just stopped and my period is in a few days? Idk how to track my cycle bc everything is messed up? Even if I'm scared of a mc? Anyone else? Or have advice?


  • I'm right with ya... I quit taking birth control in november and haven't had a period since but tests are coming back negative. I'm having a heck of a time trying to track my cycle cuz I dunno what's going on! I have been really stressed the past couple months and that might have something to do with the crazy cycle so I'm hoping now that the stressor is gone it will go back to normal.
  • I took out my nuvaring on December 9th 2010, and ovulated on December 24th 2010. I got my BFP on January 5th, 2011. I concieved the first cycle I took my nuvaring out. I didn't even think I would get that lucky!

    I was only on the nuvaring for 9 months, so my body might have adjusted quickly. Everyone's different. It could take a month or even six to get back on track after bc.

    Where was the pain after you put in the nuvaring? When exactly did you take out your nuvaring?
  • The pain wasn't there ever until that one time. It was about 5 or 6 days after I put it in. So it was only in the first 5 or 6 days. I've heard that there's a high chance for mc after the nuvaring :(
  • Did you have your ring out for over a week? I know you're supposed to have a ring free week then start with a new ring. I never heard of a high risk of miscarriage. It's actually hard to get pregnant on the nuvaring, even during the ring free week. See a doctor if you are very concerned
  • Btw, taking out the ring will cause spotting due to a withdrawal of hormones even if it wasn't in the entire three weeks.
  • Hope all goes well. I got pregnant while being on nuvaring. Was on it for 9 months and now I'm 11 weeks. Baby is doing great so far. :)
  • The pain wasn't there ever until that one time. It was about 5 or 6 days after I put it in. So it was only in the first 5 or 6 days. I've heard that there's a high chance for mc after the nuvaring :(
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