TTC after nuvaring... anyone else?
I got off the nuvaring after a yr and a half of being on it. I began to have horrible pain after putting it in the week after my period (super short period). I had it in a few days when the pain started. I immediantly took it out. When I did and wiped (srry tmi) there was spotting which I've never done. I scheduled an appt with the doc and he said to switch bc but instead me and my fiance wanted to try to have a baby. The next two weeks I spotted dark blood. I just stopped and my period is in a few days? Idk how to track my cycle bc everything is messed up? Even if I'm scared of a mc? Anyone else? Or have advice?
I was only on the nuvaring for 9 months, so my body might have adjusted quickly. Everyone's different. It could take a month or even six to get back on track after bc.
Where was the pain after you put in the nuvaring? When exactly did you take out your nuvaring?