i don't know how to handle this...

edited February 2012 in Pregnant
I am feeling so depressed, not sure why but I do know my job is really stressing me out. I literally had a panic attack at work today:( I haven't stopped crying. I feel so devistated. Things in general have been so stressful. I have the two kids by myself and my fiance works til 11. I work all day, get the kids and come home cook, do wash, clean up the mess my fiance leaves before he goes to work. Also, give the kids baths. It's too much...I go to bed early around 10 bc its "my time" but am asleep right away. My dad just got out of the hospital and I was the one who had to call 911 for him the day he couldn't breathe.
So my fiance called from work on his break and of course I lost it again...his whole remedy to the situation is to not let it bother me...well don't you think I tried that?! This has been weeks of built of stress and I really feel I can't handle it anymore!! I'm so distraught and am afraid the stress may cause probs with my pregnancy. I feel like I have no one bc he doesn't seem to understand. Just bc he is good at ignoring things and not letting people bother him, doesn't mean I am. My job also goes by performance so I feel in this state I can't really focus on my job. Sorry just needed to vent bc I don't know what else to do:(


  • Can someone watch your kids four the weekend and you just sleep and do nothing
  • No, I work tomorrow again:( I wish, both My parents aren't in the condition to watch them...my dad got home Mon from the hospital my mom can barely get around. Forget my siblings. They are just all about themselves.
  • Not sure how you feel about it but I got a prescription for an anti depressant yesterday. I would have days where I wouldn't want to get out of bed and just cry and cry. My doctor told me symptoms of PPD can present themself during pregnancy. I researched and went with Prozac which my doctor also took throughout all three of her pregnancies. My grandfather passed away five days before Christmas, I got a new boss at work, we were going through some financial issues and finally broke down to my doctor. Like I said, not sure how you feel about medicines and such but it felt good to get everything off my chest. I never have felt suicidal or wanted to harm myself or my baby but I wanted to get my feelings/hormones under control before baby. I didn't want to start feeling desperate after baby was here and miss those crucial weeks of bonding with my baby. I hope you get to feeling better and I'll listen if you ever want to talk. :-)
  • @CAllen thx:) I feel the same...I'm not suicidal or anything just overwhelmed and just down. Not sure why I didn't have this with either of ky other two. So I don't know what to do...buy your idea sounds good. I didn't know you could take anti depressants during pregnancy. I felt better bc my fiance called back and told me it'll be ok. Told me over the weekend he will give me time. I am also gonna take off tomorrow. Its just the weirdest feeling bc when I was talking to him I started crying again and my whole body gets tight...I feel like I can't breathe. It's scary.
    But I do Thank-you for telling me this bc I really need something or someone who can help bc like you said I don't want to miss time with my kids or baby. I go Mon for an appt so I'm gonna ask my Dr.
  • There are risks, you will have to do.your research/talk to your doctor. But like my ob told me, she wouldn't suggest/prescribe something she wouldn't do for her own kids. depression runs on both sides of my family so I knew I was a little more prone to it. Its hard for men to relate because they only see what we show or what we tell them. Even before I was pregnant I think I had a little depression but its gotten worse. Its nothing to be ashamed of at all. :-) I'm glad your fiance is more understanding now and you're going to get some much needed 'you' time. :-)
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  • edited February 2012
    I am sorry you have so much going on.. but since both of you work you shouldn't be the only one doing everything in the house.. you better have a good and strong conversation with your hubby and tell him that you need his help.. it would be nice if he could clean up a little bit before he left to work.. you have more than enough to do with 2 kids.. cooking and pregnant at the same time.
  • @ArmahnisMommy and @Janet_2011 thx, we actually talked. He is doing wash as we speak. He told me to call off today and he is gonna take care of the kids. It is alot to do...he is,your typical man who leaves a mess...it bothers the hell out of me but he doesn't see it as a mess..LOl. I do know I've been more stressed bc of my dad and also work. My fiance is gonna see if he can do third shift bc that way he would be home until 11 that way to help with the kids. Sleeping while I'm at work.
    I still am not sure about my job...Its crazy stress and I'm not sure how much more I can take.
  • Well at least he has the will to make changes so he can help you. He loves you, hang on to him seems that you have a good man:)
  • Im so glad to hear he's willing to work with you and change shifts to help! That's awesome!! I hope your dad is well. And outa curiousity, what do you do?? Keep us updated! I hope you.can kick the stresses booty!!!
  • @RedShadoe0 thx, my dad is actually feeling alot better. They did a heart cathiter and found he was ok just has to change the diet and start being healthier.
    I do tech support for a phone carrier, and most times the customers aren't the nicest people. It pays really good and the insurance is great so I stay.
    Today is a better day, not 100% but feeling better...glad I took off today:)
  • Days off are awesome!!!!
  • Sure are;) I have fmla so I'm covered and get paid for it...I need it tho.
  • Hell yeah... Use your resources. You gotta take care of you so your family stays strong :)
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