bleeding and scared

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
My last child will be 15 in july, I took a test yest and it is positive! We've been trying to get pregly for a while now. I've had two safe pregnancies with no bleeding. My breasts had been sore before my last period(feb4), all during and haven't stopped. I swore I was pregly. Took two tests, neg. We were havong sex last week and it was uncomfortable so we stopped, there was blood, like I started my period. This has happened recently mid cycle. Still was sore in my breasts so I used the last test. We are pregly. My period would start right about now and I am bleeding like the first day of it, that brownish color and I'm crampy. I'm. Going to be 40 this year and I'm scared I won't be having this baby. Isit possible to still have a period even if pregnant?


  • It's probably implantation bleeding. If it gets very heavy or red, I would def go to the ER, I would also go to the ER if you start to have bad pain

    Good luck! :)
  • The same thing happened to me the day I was suppose to start my period I had bronwish spotting that lasted for about two days. I found out I was pregnant before my missed period so I was worried as well I went to the er and everything is fine. Unless bleeding gets worse then stay calm your still really early the er can't do much because its too soon to see anything. Like the other girl said it sounds like implantation bleeding. Soo don't worry everythings fine
  • Its not possible to have your period when your prego however some women spot their whole pregnancy. My mom did with me. Try not to stress and take it easy
  • Went to the er today. They did a urine test and confirmed I'm preg. They then did bloodwork to determine my hormone level. I'm between 3-5 wks. When they did the pelvic all three got quiet and asked if i'd ever had a coposcopy..they punch a small bit of cervix tissue out. I had a long time ago. They said my cervix is opening and there is a lot of discharge but no new bleeding. They want me back in 48hrs to determine if my levels have doubled. They're. Supposed to. If they don't or they drop I am m/c. I'm on bed rest
  • Gl. :) keep us posted
  • Well, I'm still pregly! My numbers didn't dble,close tho. My cervix isn't open like the last doc thought. I have a polyp on my cervix :) ! So...still due 11-11-11! High risk, but yay!
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