So confused

edited February 2012 in Relationships
Sometimes I just wonder if trying for a baby is a good thing. My husband is a alcoholic and sometimes like every couple of months he goes out with friends and when he comes back is a huge a hole. I have talked to him about it and he feels like he has no control over those nights to stop. He is sweet and careing but does that really change anything. I love him but I'm so afraid that he will act in bad taste if we have a baby I can't have that around. any non judgemental advice? I just think if it happens again I need to leave. Maybe not permanent but to clear my head.


  • My father was an amazing man but was addicted to drugs... coming from a child who has been through addiction with a father please make him get help before having a child it is the hardest thing to deal with ... he has need clean and sober for four years but it still effects me every day... it was hard growing up with a father who was addicted... your doing the right thing by being supportive to him.. it doesn't make him a bad person but he needs proper help... hang in there it takes incredible strength to be with an addict I admire my mother so much forbher strength ... but ask him to seek help before trying for a baby
  • edited February 2012
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  • Does he ever considered aa? My husband is an alcoholic to he goes to aa sometimes but since weve had our daughter he hasnt had desire to drink he does weed thou maybe that stops him too u want a baby u guys should have a serious talk
  • He really wants a baby. he said no to AA. I just feel like this is a big deal amongst other things.
  • I know people that drink but they can control themselves.. they bad part is that he admitted that he can't control him self. My dad was a drunk who verbally and physically abused my mom.. I was like 3 and I remember how I told my mom to leave him and I thanks God she did.. she has being happily married since then to an amazing person.. are you sure is a good idea to have a baby with him?
  • You need to think about your child. If he can't control himself then he is probably not safe to be left alone with the baby. And if he doesn't get help and try to better himself then what kind of role model is that for your child!? I personally only want a husband that is a shining example of what a man should be around my LO.
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  • @armahnismommy lol he haas no sperm we are using a donor and doing inseminations. We have been together for 5 years and it has slowed, the drinking that is. I know this sounds horrible but I think I'll wait until the next drunk encounter. I have warned him enough and i'm done. I just don't want it to get to the point where hes violent toward me usually its toward the wall or himself. But I'm tired of the mental abuse name calling.
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