all the rh negative ladies

edited March 2011 in Health
When you get the shot where do they put it????


  • 26-28 weeks, above your butt like lower back kinda, and after the baby if it has a different blood type then you. My last one was in an iv. My first baby it was a shot in your hipbone, but they make them for ivs now
  • I got mine 28 weeks. in my bum cheek, lol. horable spot, so awkwerd.
  • i got mine at 28wks and i got it in the arm
  • I got mine @ 28 weeks in the butt. After my daughter was born I had it again in an iv.
  • Aww I just found out I was rh negative doctor saif I'd have to get a shot around then, never did she mention on my butt :'( and I'm already horrified of needles I've been handling well w blood work and everything figure I'm too old to still be crying and I'm bouta have a baby.. but I just might have to let some tears go for that one :(
  • It hurts less in the butt I think.
  • Im sorry but can someone please explain what this is?
  • Yea I'm not to excited about it either! But doesn't being RH negative effect tour other pregnancies?
  • Its if your blood type is a negative blood type
  • Idk This is my first.. I Never knew my blood type until monday my mom didnt even know smh I think my daddy was them rh negative one because she didnt javelin to get a shot..
  • U will also get a 2nd shot within 72 hours after u deliver just so u know :)
  • I had mine in my thigh :)
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  • I got it after my miscarriage...kind of between my hip and butt cheek. It didn't hurt at all that I remember. Don't worry!:-)
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